Pm598 Project 1
Essay by sacnvr2l8 • September 12, 2011 • Study Guide • 1,013 Words (5 Pages) • 2,403 Views
Request for Proposal
Tacoma Rainier's Practice Facility
Distribution List
Kewit Construction
Skanska Construction
Mortenson Construction
1.1. General Description of Work 3
1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid 3
1.3. Schedule of Bid Period Activities 5
1.4. Location of Work 6
Appendix A 7
Appendix B 8
Supplier/Bidder List 8
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1.1. General Description of Work
The work generally consists of a 5,874 square feet wood frame Clubs house with reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs, wood framed walls and partitions. A new a regulation baseball field and 50 parking space paved parking area. Site improvements including chain link fencing and gates and asphalt paving as well as the removal of existing structures and vegetations are all included in the scope of work.
1.2. What Must Be Included with Bid
REQUIRED: Submit with Bid or within twenty-four hours of the Bid, submit to the office of the Owner the names of the subcontractors whose subcontract amount is more than ten percent (10%) of the Contract price with whom the Bidder, if awarded the Contract, will subcontract for the performance of the categories of Work designated on the list to be submitted or to indicate by naming itself to that category of Work on the list which shall not be subcontracted. Lack of submission is grounds for disqualification of the contractors bid.
Within five calendar days of notification of selection for the award of a Contract for the Work, the Bidder shall submit the following information to the Owner:
* A designation of the Work to be performed by the Bidder with his own forces, including supporting documentation indicating that he is qualified to perform the Work.
* The proprietary names and the suppliers of principal items or systems of materials and equipment proposed for the Work as defined in each Section of these Specifications (see Specification Section 01300, Submittals).
*The name and qualifications of the Contractor's proposed Superintendent.
* The individual cost of mechanical and electrical system work.
*Provide a list of all lawsuits or claims by the Bidder with Owners in the last five years.
*Completed Schedule of Values
* Letter of verification from suppliers, subcontractors and General Contractor that they have reviewed their Bids and have included all items drawn and specified in the Bid Documents and will supply and install all items as indicated.
*A sample of a construction schedule prepared by the Contractor as indicated in Specification Section 01300, Submittals.
*A list of references including owners, suppliers, subcontractors, bonding company, and any additional information that the Owner deems necessary to verify the qualifications of the Bidder.
*The Bidder will submit upon the request of the owner, a list of all construction projects performed in the past five years with the following supporting information:
*Bid amount;
* Accepted Alternates and amounts;
*Change Orders and amounts;
*Initial required date of Substantial and Final Completion;
* Actual date of Substantial and Final Completion;
*Name of Owner, Contact Person and telephone numbers;
*Name of Construction Superintendent and telephone number;
* Name and Contact Person of Mechanical and Electrical Subcontractor including telephone number;
*Name of Contact Person and telephone number of Architect/Engineer;
* List the number and amount of all claims submitted to the Owner or the Architect/Engineer during the course of the