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Police Brutality Against Blacks

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Police Brutality Against Blacks

Sherria Easley

Dallas Baptist University


Has any changed occurred in police brutality since the Rodney King beaten that was exposed to America over 24 years ago? Has police brutality gotten better or worse against blacks in the past 24 years? The goal of this research is to determine if race has an effect on how the police treat black individuals. For many years, there has been a discord between police officers and the black community with how they are treated. Instead of feeling protected, safe, and guarded, many blacks feel unprotected and fearful of what will happen when they come in contact with police. Throughout history, black men have been the biggest target for police brutality simply because of their race and cultural differences.  Now more so than ever, we are seeing fatalities of black men and women at the hands of police. America, has to stop and ask the questions: 1) Has police brutality increased against blacks over the past 24 years? 2) Has there been change or justice for blacks when police officers violate their civil rights? 3) What can we do to change police brutality against blacks? To answer these questions, we will review cases, findings, and data statistics. Black lives are lost every day against police brutality and excessive deadly force. There is little to no punishment to the hands that are suppose to protect and serve all human beings. There has to be change in the way police are trained in communicating with blacks.

Police Brutality Against Blacks

Has any changed occurred in police brutality since the Rodney King beating that was exposed to America over 24 years ago? Has police brutality gotten better or worse against blacks in the past 24 years? In recent years, more deaths of blacks have been at the hands of police officers using excessive or deadly force. The urban communities have exploded with outrage over mistreatment of blacks, causing race riots in city streets. Blacks are becoming extremely frustrated with congress ignoring what is going on with blacks and police brutality.  Until the government does something about the training officers receive, we will continue to see blacks die at the hands of police officers. It is important, officers not to be threaten or use deadly force when coming in to contact with African Americans.  Society has painted a picture that all black males are either drug dealers, thieves, thugs, or pimps, which causes an officer to be intimidated by a black man without knowing anything about the situation.  


Since the Rodney King beating in1991, has police brutality against blacks increased? Have we seen a change in how police departments train officers on using excessive force with individuals? Is there really more police brutality, or is there more visibility to police brutality amongst blacks because of cameras and social media? Let’s review the conflicting perspectives to determine if police brutality against blacks have increased, changed, or can change.

Increased. Has police brutality increased against blacks over the past 24 years? In 2015 alone, according to Law and Justice in Real Time, “Blacks accounted for more than 27% of victims fatally shot by police so far in 2015.” (christian.hardy, 2015) It has been apparent that police and blacks have been at a discord over the treatment of blacks. This has led to blacks forming organizations in order to feel some type of protection. In reading Sundiata Keita Cha-Jua article, Racism Is a Factor in Police Violence, he states, “Extralegal violence by law enforcement officers has been a primary concern of the Congressional Black Caucus [CBC] since its formation. The CBC has periodically held public hearings about police outrages across the country over the last thirty years. Yet, extralegal violence persists as recent police killings of Richard L. Holtz (Fort Lee, New Jersey); Tynisha Miller (Riverside, California); and Amadou Diallo (New York City) attest. (Cha-Jua, 2016) The bible says, Proverbs 11:21 ESV “Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.”

Changed. Has there been change or justice for blacks when police officers violate their civil rights? The urban community was outraged when police officers were acquitted for the beating of Rodney King but not much has changed since then. Time and time again, we see officers go unpunished for the crimes they have committed on black individuals. Cha-Jua talks about how “police administrators have ignored or been lax in using internal department policies and procedures to punish officers who have displayed a pattern of brutality and/or misconduct.” (Cha-Jua, 2016) He also mentions, “A Justice Department survey found that nearly 22 percent of police admit that fellow officers sometimes or often use "more force than necessary". Moreover, 61 percent claimed officers do not report instances of "serious criminal violations of abuse of authority" by other officers.” (Cha-Jua, 2016) The bible says, Colossians 3:25 ESV, “For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.”



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