Poverty - Homework Essay
Essay by msdeen • November 21, 2016 • Presentation or Speech • 600 Words (3 Pages) • 1,300 Views
Most people believe poor people are poor because they are lazy and do not look for any form of livelihood; this is not entirely true. This is because society sees the unemployed as such and is not even bothered to assess the situation in the perspective of the unprivileged. Employers, who are members of the society, hire people not only based on an individual’s experience and achievements but, also the way they look. Now you may think, “Why can’t these people simply dress accordingly?” Well, they would if they knew that they should. The unprivileged do not know anything about social convention let alone applying for a job because there is no one whom they know who can help them with it. They don’t really know proper decorum or etiquette because they assume they are not hurting anyone. So how can someone who tries to get a job but does not given a chance to actually get a job?
People discriminate the unprivileged but they don’t do anything to help them, it’s like comparing Christians who judge sinners but do not pray for their souls.
With this problem at hand, the Philippines will never progress. The government is only one of the factors that affect poverty. We count on them to break this type of hindrance but they don’t. They say they will to simply please our ears but never do anything about it. Well, politics, right? In other countries, politicians who committed a simple crime makes a public apology, bows and never even tries to get a position in the government office; meanwhile, in the Philippines, proven corrupt politicians have the audacity to run as president. And yet, people still vote for these corrupt officials.
Why is this so? And how is this related to poverty?
Corrupt and personalities get a high position because of these illiterate people who do not even know what the candidates achieved or whatever they have done. This happens because the already-elected politician does not do anything to give these illiterate people an opportunity to be educated. These people do not know the qualities a candidate should possess in order to be eleceted as president, senator or whatever position they are run for. And the cycle begins. How can someone, who does not have a job, get to afford education? And how can someone who is not knowledgeable be able to exercise their right to suffrage properly? And if they don’t get to vote the “right” candidate, they would remain unprivileged or poor because there will be nothing done for them.
23.7% or over 10 million adult Filipinos were jobless in September 2015. First of all, what has the government done to implement their projects of giving the unprivileged jobs? Secondly, what has the government done to control the population? 23% is a small fraction and yet we are counting 10 million Filipinos, 23% for 10 million Filipinos. Doesn’t that make you think? And lastly, how can an unemployed support himself, let alone a family?
It is common knowledge that families living in slums consists of at least 3 children, at least 3 unsupported children left on the streets to beg for money. The unprivileged do not understand the idea behind family planning or “making babies”.