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Power Tends to Corrupt and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Essay by   •  September 19, 2018  •  Course Note  •  500 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,730 Views

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In 1887 Lord Acton wrote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”.

What do you believe he meant by this statement?

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely” is not only a well-known phrase, but also an undisputable truth. Most individuals are susceptible to become the worst version of themselves when consumed by excessive power. People are generally naive and innocent to the madness of uncontrolled power. When we see each other as equals, we are more likely to have empathy for one another and collaborate toward a collective goal. However, when balance is disrupted by the rise and expressed power of an immature leader, or boss, the distribution of responsibilities can seem unfair and the vision of the future farfetched, if at all desirable. When a single individual imposes their will on others, with little to no regard for them, this individual has essentially been corrupted by the power granted by their position. What typically ensues is generally a series of negative events.

Choose an example from history or your own experience that you feel confirms this statement. Is this always true? Why or why not?

There are many examples of people in history who embody this phrase. One example that comes to mind is Fidel Castro, the man who ruthlessly and selfishly ruled over Cuba for decades until his recent death. He is an example of an average individual, no more special than any of his peers, who strategically used power to bring himself to the top of the leadership commanding the Cuban revolution. The more power he attained, the more ruthless he became to protect it. Eventually, enriching himself at the expense of his population.

Although I don’t believe it is unconditionally always the case that absolute power corrupts absolutely, I think history and our own life examples confirm the idea. Ultimately, I do think that most people are easily corrupted by power because most people seldom experience it, much less in full capacity, and when they do they are simply unprepared to handle it.

What are the ways a leader can keep him or herself from being corrupted by the power that he/she is entrusted with?

In my opinion, the most practical way for a leader to keep him or herself from being corrupted by the power entrusted in them is for them to lead by example, follow the same rules and exercise humility. If they want employees to trust their leadership, be productive and motivated, and maintain a positive and balanced work environment, the leader must leader with examples of confidence, patience, work ethic and fairness. I think that employees who trust, respect and follow their leaders are not only less likely to make mistakes and cause trouble, but also more collaborative and innovative. Therefore, any leader who is truly committed to organizational success will realize that power for the sake of power is not enough, because that power needs to be harnessed responsibly to instill motivation and respect in all stakeholders.



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