Primary and Backup Thinking Styles
Essay by lhernandez7 • November 18, 2011 • Essay • 1,751 Words (8 Pages) • 1,689 Views
Primary and Backup Thinking Styles
My primary and backup personal thinking styles as indicated in my circumplex are Humanistic-Encouraging and Achievement, with a percentile of 96 and 95, respectively.
In reference to my Humanistic-Encouraging score, I believe the survey could not be more correct. My results state that I believe that I can help people improve, and enjoy guiding and supporting their efforts and that I tend to use my skills regular and proficiently. Also, it indicates that seeing the best in people is important to me. In fact, my ability to combine an acceptance of others as they are with the inspiration and encouragement they need to become even better is what might me makes me a valuable mentor, manager, co-worker worker, and friend.
I agree with the results because there is nothing I would not do for my friends and I accept them just as they are. I have known my best friend for 17 years now and one of the reasons that I love her so much is because she is so different from me. She is naturally loud, always dancing and into fashion. She is what I would be if there was another Lilly. I am more of bookworm than she is but while we were in middle school and in high school together, I would help her out to achieve her potential. She just needs a little push in certain areas to be the best she can be. Furthermore, if you do not accept people the way they are what good can that bring to the relationship you have with them? This is why planet Earth is so amazing, it is made of billions of people who are so different from each other, but somehow we make it work.
Another reason why I think I received a perfect score for my Humanistic-Encouraging style is I always feel like I need to look for people and help them out where and when I can. A lot of people tell me that I will be a good mother someday because I am so nurturing. At work for example, I try to help out my co-workers to achieve their full potential. I remind them of things that they probably forgot they needed to do so they can achieve their goals by our given deadline or if they do not have the time, I use my lunch time to help them out. I keep mental notes as well of what people like around the office, like a specific type of pen or coffee creamer because little details like this make people happy that someone remembered about them and makes their day better which in turn makes for a more productive day.
In relation to my backup thinking style, Achievement, it has been a part of me as far back as I can remember. My parents raised my brother and me to be the best at whatever we did but more specifically in school. In middle school, high school and in college (undergraduate), I never had an average below a 90. School was something that I knew I was good at and I have always tried to keep it that way. I always like to compete to be the best and it gives me a sense of pleasure, even more so a rush of adrenaline that I can be the best and nothing but the best and that only comes with conquering challenges. A factor that I think that helps me to be this way is that I do not like people telling me that I did something wrong which I had total control over and could be correct the first time around.
As for work, my supervisor does not come around to check up on me often. He even tells me that I work best on my own. He tends to give more "special projects" to me than my other co-workers because he says I am anal about my work and knows that I will take my time and do my best as well as admit if I did an error. He likes that I am responsible and very-detailed oriented and not afraid to speak my mind when I think a situation should be approached in a different manner than the one presented. Everyone at work tells me that I am not afraid to speak my mind but that they prefer it because they do not have to guess what I am thinking.
Limiting Style
The limiting style that I have chosen that I believe might be working against me is the Oppositional trait. The reason that I chose this is because my score ranged into the 57 percentile which was the lowest in my LSI results. The result of this style can limit my professional effectiveness in the organization I work in because as the description of the results state I do not want people at my place of work to believe that I will deliberately try to find a flaw in their work and much less make them feel uncomfortable around me and think it's on purpose. This seems as negative attention that I really do not need at work or anywhere altogether. A behavior associated with this style that