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Problems Among Teenagers

Essay by   •  November 10, 2013  •  Essay  •  997 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,095 Views

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In this case, the main character Sammy has the similar problems among teenagers as she is unsure about her self-concept, have low-self esteem and don't have good communications with her parents. At the following I am going to analyze her problems from three different parts hence suggest the most suitable solutions for Sammy.

First, she is unsure about her self-concept as she don't know what does she like and just follow what her parents told blindly. The self-concept is the thoughts and feelings that referring to yourself and where your actions are reflecting to (Rosenberg, 1979), which usually involves personal beliefs, and plan of life, etc. As self-concept would affect a person's motivations and choices, it is important to have a clear and precise self-concept especially for teenagers. When a person is unsure about his self-concept, he would have an unclear picture about what he wants and who he is. According to Sammy's situation, she has a vague concept about herself as there is an uncertain of her feelings, therefore she don't know what she want for future hence just put the future on the hands of her parents without involving any own thinking. As an advice, I suggest Sammy should try to discover her self-concept by asking herself questions such as "What is my interest?" and "What is my future plan?" to understand what she really like or hate hence follow the direction to set a goal for the future. After having a goal in life, it can enhance her self-identity through the process of striving for the goal as she would have a better understanding about what she really wants. Besides, she should be realized that she have the responsibility to decide her future on her own as an adult and should have a clear target in life. I suggest that she can go and ask some senior for opinions and listening more past experiences from them e.g. career life, by learning from those experiences it may motivate Sammy to think more about her future and build up the confidence of deciding her own business. Thus, I think those advices can help Sammy to discover her self-concept hence make her sense of "self" become stronger.

Second, Sammy has low self esteem as she always compare herself to the people around her while don't appreciate her good points at the same time. It was caused by the different between the self-descriptions and the ideal self which can lead to dissatisfaction. As Sammy's ideal self is to be as good as others and described herself as the worsen one, she can be never satisfied as it is impossible to achieve. Besides, it is an unbalanced and unhealthy thinking as she did not appreciate her good points while comparing herself to others which would make her self-esteem even lower. As a solution, here are three steps which are strongly suggested Sammy to follow: changing the old mind, discover your good side and make positive changes. First, Sammy should change her thoughts of how she seeing herself



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