Professional Values and Ethics
Essay by people • April 10, 2011 • Essay • 1,194 Words (5 Pages) • 3,167 Views
In today's competitive and diverse workforce, the relationship among professional values, ethics, and career success contributes immensely to both employer and employee. Usually, the relationship between these three components enhance performance, productivity, and profitability, while enabling employers and employees to have more opinions with a stronger feeling of preparedness to face the demands and uncertainties concerning their job responsibilities. Furthermore, employers are fully aware that the market and the need for supply and demand is always evolving, so there for they must do what's in the best interest of the company to succeed. Nonetheless, the organizational structure of any business incorporates professional value, work ethics, and career success into their strategic goals and objectives. In addition, value and ethics constitutes as an important reason for employers to compete in today's demanding market and workforce. Usually, employers can improve or control the outcome of productivity and performance by aligning it with the organizations philosophies regarding ethics and values. Ethics refers to the discipline dealing with what is good and bad, or right and wrong, or with moral duty or obligation (Mondy, 2008, p.30). In addition, ethics facilitate a certain level of principles, which apply to both employer and employee, which aims to sustain various elements of the company's business practice and procedures while reducing or eliminating certain deficiencies'. For example: some organization may have a ethics committee whose primary purpose is to create awareness and facilitate balance, while reinforcing fairness, mutual respect, by reducing or eliminating bias misconduct and so on. Meanwhile, values refer to a set principle, standard, or quality considered important or fair, and or admirable qualities (Haley-James, 1997, p.1490). Furthermore, these components coexist and connect with the overall effectiveness of the company, which is direct reflection of the organizations integrity and organizational achievements. Typically, a company's core objectives correlate to the fundamental principles, which instill the use of value to demonstrate the most appropriate business practice. However, an organization values describes how certain conduct and actions or addressed which consists of flexibility, sensitivity, and understanding, which influence the company's productivity, performance, and profitability, which maximize the overall effectiveness of their corporate goals. Surprisingly, having ethics and values that align with the strategic objectives is a critical component regarding the company's success and prosperity long-term. Furthermore, as this paper continues it will analyze the relationship among professional values, ethics, and career success.
Sources of professional ethics are all around us. The first and foremost source is our own parents. They are the ones that teach us from an early age what is right and wrong. As a child, the mind is like a sponge, everything we see and hear is added to our personality. If we witness our parents making racial remarks, passing judgments and secluding others because of something mundane like religion; it will be very difficult to accept others for the way they are. We also learn a lovely little thing called consequences. If we did something wrong, we were placed in time out, or we got a whooping (spanking). Second, many aspects of professional ethics are learned on the playgrounds and at school. This is where we learn how to work and relate with others. Here we