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Project Overview

Essay by   •  June 29, 2013  •  Essay  •  238 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,343 Views

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In Brgy.LuyongCatungan, Mobo, most of the community residents are engaged in various fishing activities. As a result, overfishing and declining fish catch are now being felt in this coastal community. To stop further fishing pressure from fish capture in the area, the proponent has identified this coastal barangay as one of the recipients of capability and resource management interventions including the provision of alternative sources of income.

The proponent managed to identify and select livelihood project that is suitable not only for the business but the entire community of Brgy. Luyong Catungan. This business idea is about aquaculture production of abalone.

Over the years, abalone enjoys a lucrative demand both in the local and world markets. The traditional way of gathering abalone causes undue harm to the coastal habitats. Coral reefs are damaged and destroyed because of careless gathering techniques being employed by local fishers of abalone. This non sustainable gathering of abalone resulted to depletion on the population of wild abalone and other reef thriving food fishes.

The introduction of commercialized and proven technology on abalone culture by the technical staff from DA-BFAR V has awakened the interest of the proponent on the business potential of the aquaculture production of abalone. Because of this livelihood information, education and communication campaign by the DA-BFAR V, the proponent has decided to adopt similar aquaculture techniques and to engage in abalone culture to generate additional income for its members.



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