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Purpose for Science Fair

Essay by   •  March 5, 2013  •  Essay  •  220 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,719 Views

Essay Preview: Purpose for Science Fair

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The purpose of my project was to investigate whether or not talking affects the amount of work one can get done and the accuracy of the work. My major findings were that people who talked rushed when they were given the 1 minute warning, which caused answered questions to be wrong. They also left some questions incomplete. My hypothesis was supported because Group A (no talking) did do better than Group B (talking). I think this turned out this way because Group A was able to put all their focus on the worksheet while Group B had their focus on conversations rather than their work. Possible errors that occurred during my project were when some people started before the timer, another error was allowing some of Group B to not talk, and also letting some people see the worksheet before others. My findings are useful because some teachers do let their classes talk while doing work. This usually results in the teachers having to extend due dates because the students could not finish on time. My results support studies that have shown that human brains have to concentrate on one thing or the other. Further studies should include finding out whether gender, and age affect how well people can do work with distractions and the accuracy of their work.



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