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Requirements for the Essay

Essay by   •  January 7, 2012  •  Essay  •  381 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,674 Views

Essay Preview: Requirements for the Essay

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Your essay should not exceed 3,000 words. The word count as well as the essay title should appear on the opening page of the essay.

 Sheets must be numbered consecutively.

 Your essay should be well structured with relevant headlines. Headlines should be numbered.

 Introduction is required giving a concise information about the firm and a statement of the essay intention.

 The main body of your essay should draw upon a range of published materials and offer balanced arguments.

 You must include a list of references at the end, and make reference to these in the text. Bibliographical references in the text should quote the author's name and date of publication. Multiple citations should be given chronologically. At the end of the essay, the references should be cited in alphabetical order of surname.

 The use of figures and tables is encouraged. These should be numbered and included in the main body of the text when relevant to your discussion.

 Footnotes to the text should be avoided wherever this is reasonable possible.

 Mathematical equations should be typed on separate lines and numbered consecutively.

 Your conclusion should summarise the main findings of each section of your essay. Make sure your conclusion builds upon your arguments and evidence already put forward. Don't use the conclusion to raise completely new issues.

 University policy on plagiarism will be strictly applied so direct quotations must appear in inverted commas with a full reference given. Quotation should be very limited in length.

This module is 100% assessed. The topic of the assessed essay, guidelines for the essay and useful sources are given below. The essay should not exceed 3,000 words, not including appendices and graphics. Anything over the word limit will not be marked.

Submission DEADLINE: 12.00 (UK time) Monday

9 January 2012

Completed assignments must be submitted online using my.wbs by 12.00 pm on the deadline date. The standard assignment cover sheet must be used. Please ensure your student ID number, NOT YOUR NAME, is given on the cover sheet, as all scripts are marked anonymously.

The following statement is included on the standard assignment cover sheet:

'All the work contained within is my own unaided effort and conforms to the University's guidelines on plagiarism.'

and when submitting you are taking formal responsibility for ensuring this.




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