Essay by Yoga Hutama • December 7, 2017 • Essay • 528 Words (3 Pages) • 908 Views
More than two weeks the Rohingyas have returned to abominations in their own country. Being a minority in the country, making them as weak. It's hard to win a conflict that has been going on for years. Within two days, dozens of people were killed and thousands of others fled to safety. Three days of Rohingyas in the war, 98 people were recorded killed by the armed clash. Victims of the rebels reached 80 people, 12 people from the security forces, and others without a clear identity
Rohingyas are Bangladeshis who have been lived in Myanmar for a long time. Rakhine majority religion is Islam, totally different from the majority religion in Myanmar who embraced Buddhism. They are of Bangladeshis, but they had been left the country for a long time. They are citizens of Rakhine, but their ethnicity is not recognized by the state. Rohingya eventually like to become citizens of the world without a country
In 1989, an essay titled "In Quest of Democracy" written by someone from Myanmar. Essay with strong sentence was delivered by a woman, a housewife with two children. She is Aung San Suu Kyi, Aung San's daughter, one of Burma's national heroes who managed to liberate the country from British colonies.
In 1991, the Nobel committee in Oslo rewarded Suu Kyi with the Nobel Peace Prize. She is considered able to keep peace in the midst of the crush of war. Beginning 2016, Suu Kyi's party officially became ruler in Myanmar. And this is the test for Suu Kyi as the Nobel Peace laureate. In October 2016, a case of violence in Rakhine occurred. The majority of people living in Rakhine are Rohingya, an ethnic who do not get recognition from the military government as an ethnic Myanmar.
After the massacre occurred, Suu Kyi was only silence. She gave no comment on the massacre that occurred in front of her own eyes. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein noted that Suu Kyi did not show any emotional state when she read the UN report on the Rohingya massacre that she presented in February 2017. Though the document contained testimony of babies slit in the throat, mass rape, torture, and destroyed villages. It describes the case of violence against the Rohingya Muslim population, UN said it is most likely a crime against humanity.
Last December, in particular, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi visited Myanmar. Retno requested an inclusive settlement. Retno ask the Myanmar government to respect and protect the human rights community in the State of Rakhine, especially the Muslim minority. This request was responded positively by Aung San Suu Kyi. For that reason, the Myanmar government has opened the door for humanitarian assistance from Indonesia.
Suu Kyi may believe in Indonesia. She accepted the Indonesian government's request to speak and seek a solution to the conflict in Rakhine. Although aware of international pressure and harsh criticism, but Suu Kyi allowed Foreign Minister Retno to meet him. He was not afraid, he just chose a friend to talk.