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Same Problem: Different Solution

Essay by   •  December 2, 2012  •  Essay  •  251 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,711 Views

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The African- American Community has been blessed with a multitude of scholars. Two of those scholars include Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du bois. Both of these men, had a vision for African- Americans. They wanted to see the advancement of their race of people. These great leaders just had different viewpoints as to how this should be accomplished. Mr. Washington's viewpoints are based on his own personal experience and understanding of politics. Mr. Du bois' viewpoints came from his knowledge of the importance of education and its ability to break down barriers of color.

Washington and Du bois wanted to see the advancement of the African-American people. The question was "How could they advance?" There is a twelve-year age difference amongst the two gentlemen. I could see the difference that a decade could make in the mindsets of the two gentlemen. Washington is the elder of the two. He was apart of the slavery system not merely a product of it. He was a slave who was freed. A man without neither a history, nor a surname to call his own. Du bois was born into a system of freedom. He never experienced having a master or the lack of freedom to move about as he pleased. He came into the world and saw problems. He didn't see the long path that had been traveled to get them to the point that they were at currently. Therefore these men saw different ways of accomplishing their goals as a race.



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