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Same Sex Adoption Debate - Proposal - Be It Resolved That Same Sex Adoption Is No Longer Legal. Affirmative

Essay by   •  June 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,538 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,356 Views

Essay Preview: Same Sex Adoption Debate - Proposal - Be It Resolved That Same Sex Adoption Is No Longer Legal. Affirmative

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Today we are here to discuss a serious problem in modern society. Children are being forced into same-sex homes - thrusted into an environment that may negatively affect the rest of their lives. In the interest of these children, the affirmative side has made a proposal to change current policies, so that maybe they will be granted a fair chance in life. Be it resolved that same sex adoption is no longer legal in NH.

Former U.S. President George W. Bush said in an interview with The New York Times that "Studies have shown that the ideal is where a child is raised by a man and a woman." Today we will look into some of these studies.

Dr. Trayce L. Hansen, who has a Ph.D from the California School of Professional Psychology in San Diego says that, "Children reared by openly homosexual or bisexual parents are between 4 and 10 times more likely than the general population to develop a non-heterosexual sexual preference" (information attained from an analysis of multiple of studies). That is 8-21% of people surveyed, vs. the 2% of the general population that identify themselves as homosexual. Also, the surveys would have reported higher percentages of homosexuality if there would have been a less bias survey process.

The affirmative is not against being homosexual, however we are against children being put into a situation that impact their futures in a negative way. And it's not that we're prejudice, and believe that homosexuals can't be successful, or live normal, responsible lives. But statistically there are serious issues that are more prevalent among homosexuals, and if we can keep kids from being influenced to be homosexuals, then we can have more people avoid these problems, ensuring the well being of kids who would become homosexual because of nurture, and not nature.

According to the Center for Disease Control, 57% of new HIV infections in the U.S. during 2006 were contracted by homosexual men. If 2% of U.S. citizens are homosexual, and not all of them are men, then that means less than 2% of the population is responsible for 57% of HIV transmission. This means that homosexuals are more than 38x more likely than non homosexuals to contract HIV. A disease that according to hivpositivemagazine and the University of California, San Francisco, generally has a life expectancy of between seven and over twelve years(obviously that varies case to case, based on the health and age of the patient when they're diagnosed - the life expectancy can be shorter or longer). Also HIV doesn't just affect people with HIV. FAO.gov says that "Few crises have affected human health and threatened national, social and economic progress in quite the way that HIV/AIDS has".

Extreme promiscuity is another problem associated with homosexuality. A.P. Bell and M. S. Weinberg of Cambridge University revealed in their publication Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women that 43 percent of white male homosexuals had sex with five hundred or more partners, with 28 percent having 1,000 or more sex partners. It would be irresponsible to place children in an environment where they would learn that something as risky as promiscuity is okay.

Also, children of same sex parents often have a skewed sense of the purpose of marriage. Professor Bradley P. Hayton of ASU states that homosexuals model a poor view of marriage to children. Children are taught by example and often children with same sex parents believe that marital relationships are transitory and mostly sexual in nature. Sexual relationships are primarily for pleasure rather than procreation. And they are taught that monogamy in a marriage is not the norm [and] should be discouraged if one wants a good 'marital' relationship.

In The Male Couple, authors David P. McWhirter and Andrew M. Mattison report that in a study of 156 males of homosexual relationships lasting from one to thirty-seven years: Only seven couples had a totally exclusive sexual relationship, and these men all had been together for less than five years. Stated another way, all couples with a relationship lasting more than five years had incorporated some provision for outside sexual activity in their relationships. Most understood sexual relations outside the relationship to be the norm, and viewed adopting monogamous standards as an act of oppression.

Dr. Timothy J. Dailey, a Senior Fellow at the Center for Marriage and Family Studies of Family Research Council points out many alarming problems regarding children being raised by same sex couples. Although I do not have time to give a complete explanation of all his findings, I will overview some statistics that he reveals in his publication "Homosexual Parenting: Placing children at risk"

In a survey of 1,099 lesbians, the Journal of Social Service Research found that "slightly more than half of the [lesbians] reported that they had been abused by a female lover/partner. 31 percent reported one or more incidents of physical abuse.

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