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Scope of Alternative Resources Using Portable Hydraulic Turbine in River Canel or Mountain for the Villages

Essay by   •  February 2, 2014  •  Essay  •  654 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,332 Views

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Scope of alternative resources using portable hydraulic turbine in river canel or mountain for the villages


We know that India is very big country in population and also in land area and very important thing is that India is developing country. India's third fourth part is mainly depend upon agriculture but, now days India is fastly developing country in Industrial area and it is also very necessary to produce more and more crops in field by use of latest technology of irrigation and machine and it is possible that when we produce electricity but in India there were many places where there are no electricity.

We also know that we use energy is commonly produce by conventional energy resources and these resources are limited which are finish in future so it is important to find other non-conventional energy resources and use it proper way by proper management system.

Floating Hydraulic Power Plant:

The name of the project tells about us the which type of project. Generally we saw the hydraulic projects are as below.

(1) Major Hydraulic power plant:

(i) High head plant

(ii) Medium head plant

(iii) Low head plant

(2) Small hydro power plant

(3) Mini hydro power plant

(4) Micro hydro power plant.

All these hydro power plant are stationary type hydro power plant. The meaning of this type of sentence is that we know that in our country some of river are does not carry water all of the years and some of the streams or canals also does not carry water all though years so during the summer this type of plant does not done the work. So it is useless and also this type of power plant or wherever we see power plants are generally need a some height distance to run a turbine blades or produce mechanical energy.

But here we make a something new we make a floating hydraulic power plant. We know the meaning of floating. In India there were many river, cannels and streams there we can make the hydro project but we also know that hydro project needs a very large civil works and also very big area of land and due to this many forests are cut down and many villages are migrated from one place to another.

There is also very big reason is that to construct a hydro power plant it needs a very long period. We know that India is fast developing country and there are many villages which are very very far from technology due to electricity so it is necessary to we can do anything for him.

Construction and working




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