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Second Chances

Essay by   •  September 19, 2011  •  Essay  •  372 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,624 Views

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There has been multiple times where people make mistakes and never get second chances. There really is no point in not giving people second chances for your own sake. When one makes a flaw in life, they're suppose to learn and grow from it so they become well educated on what they need to do differently the next time.

I myself use to be very stubborn to people from the past who hurt me. There was one point in my life before where I had the choice to give an important person a second chance or write them off completely for something they intentionally did. The difference in this situation is that they knew what was right from wrong, but they weren't using their heads at the moment they did their wrong doing. I chose to ignore in thinking things over again and decided to turn away from them for good. I regret my decision so much now. I should've processed what would have happened if I just forgave them and given them a second chance. I know if I were in their shoes I would want to be given another oppurtunity to do things the right way. Sometimes in life you need to put youself in others shoes to really understand why people do the things they do.

Now I realize that you only have one life so why dwell on those faults that you can never get back. I believe mistakes are obstacles in life that you learn and progress from to do the right thing the next time. If people were never given another outlook on situations, how would they ever know what is right from wrong? Forgiving people also makes you stronger along the way. This isn't really aiming at the people who need to be forgiven, but your own self. It would make ones life so much happier if people didn't settle on the sadness and just take the initiative to let go of those you have grudges on. Everyone makes mistakes, so everyone should be given out second chances to make it better and a learning process on the way as well.You only have one life so why not live it in the best way as possible.



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