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Sexual Assault Violence

Essay by   •  December 5, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,974 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,559 Views

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Sexual Assault Violence

Sexual Assault is described in a scientific term that is defined as any sort of sexual activity between two or more people in which one of the people involved is involved against his or her will. Sexual Assault can be defined as "Sexual activity is any touching of a sexual or other intimate part of a person for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party" (Sarah. Lawrence. College, 2010) "Sexual activity is any touching of a sexual or other intimate part of a person for the purpose of gratifying sexual desire of either party. This includes coerced touching of the assaulter by the victim as well as the touching of the victim by the assaulter, whether directly or through clothing." (S.L.C, 2010) It is more frequently by the warning of touching with no a consultation. "A foreign object is any instrument or article, which, when inserted in the vagina, urethra, penis, or rectum, is capable of causing physical injury" (S.L.C, 2010.) As there is a physical injury, that as well can be mentally in depending of the time and the situation. On other basis of sexual assault means "Sexual assault is an act of power. This can be obvious, like in a situation where the perpetrator has a weapon. Sexual assault can also occur when physical force or a threat is used against the victim or someone the victim cares about. However, physical coercion or force is not always present or necessary. In some sexual assault, the violence is more subtle, like when the perpetrator's age, size, or status is used to scare, trick, or manipulate the victim." (Pandora's Project, 2001-2009) It is very impressive that humans can have that type of evil power against to others and in this case are most often women and children, but there are some rare cases in which men are the victims.

Sexual Assault is reported crime and is very common in the United States along with the rest of the world "According to the U.S. Department of Justice's National Crime Victimization Survey; the country's largest and most reliable crime study, there were 248,300 sexual assaults in 2007" (RAINN, 2007) We cannot imagine how much are the that do tell and the ones that they just keep it to themselves and in some cases they attempt to commit suicide. "...comes out to 1 sexual assault every 127 seconds, or about 1 every 2 minutes." (RAINN, 2007) I can consider this as a fatal statics in which how often these cases are nationally out and to be known. And at the same time that there is some that they have been hid because they are afraid to be point it by our society. As most of the basis do not have a specific type of violence to against to Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender, but it is more often on females and kids. "Facing a system, this is often oppressive and hostile towards those who identify as anything other than "straight." Those involved in same-gender battering frequently report being afraid of revealing their sexual orientation or the nature of their relationship." (An Abuse, Rape and Domestic Violence Aid and Resource Collection, 1993) Ones again victims do not report what it happened to them because they do not want to be intimate or being judged from others. Even it would be more not getting into what it is a "normal" society in which being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender is not being on a good form. The impact that this type of violence is causing is more against to victim than the assaulter. "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Substance Abuse, Self-Harm / Self-Injury, Stockholm syndrome, Depression, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Pregnancy, Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Assault, Sleep Disorders, Eating Disorders, Body Memories, Dissociative Identity Disorder and Suicide" (RAINN, 2010) are the most basic and more regularly that people show and this type of violence.

When it comes to who or how this people have that type of evil power against to unknown or known people, it can cause incredible and horrible mysterious idea of how they like this; making others suffer by their actions. Zimbardo uses the apple metaphor to describe the bad people as how the satiation made the soldiers to be bad with the prisoners and use being bored as an excuse to humiliate the prisoner. On the sexual assault, the bad apples are the assaulters and nobody else. The barrel makers consist of a system the bad barrels are in. in this type of violence, the barrel maker would be on some way the government because they do not have the enough security on the people that have had made this type of violence. Another that I think it would be the barrel maker; is if those people were abused in some part of their life. De-individuation is the loss of a person's individuality can significantly have a major impact on a victim suffering from sexual assault. The victim can suffer from psychological or even from physical harm. The assaulter can have some self-satisfaction when sexually assaulting someone. This is obviously this type of people need help immediately. "De-individuation creates a unique psychological state in which behavior comes under the control of immediate situational demands and biological, hormonal urges" (Zimbardo, 2007. P.305). It applies of what it means on sexual assault. These are not mentally people, but at the same time they should have some kind of treatment that would help them to control this crisis of being abusers. "...the loss of self-awareness and rationally, the suspension of liner time, and the abandonment of the self to those urges in human nature that overthrow



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