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Sexual Immorality

Essay by   •  February 22, 2015  •  Essay  •  901 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,091 Views

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Sexual promiscuity has a dangerous effect on today's society, because humans are starting to devalue the importance of sex, as well as the beauty in the human body. It is a problem continuing to grow each day, amongst teenagers as they are more open to technology in its wrong use. It is a leading factor in a detachment of relationship value, and more in use of sensational factors. This is a serious consequence that should be taken seriously, because it needs to be put in place to have any ethics and moral on the world. Humans need to stop spending so much time being distracted by over dramatized topics, and start digging in the roots of real life problems.

Society as a whole in Brave New World has been encouraged to have sex with multiple partners, as well as being viewed frowned upon when having one partner. Citizens are having orgies without any humiliation, and it's a casual way to 'pass the time' in the views of the government and its citizens. Orgies are a bi-weekly event forced into law by the government, means mandatory for citizens to follow the rules without rejecting. "Orgy-porgy," the dancers caught up the liturgical refrain"(pg.137), the dancers were so used to being told this that they have memorized the saying, being brainwashed by the government to have orgies be acceptable in their State. After all sex has become a more casual, and ordered way of bonding between citizens as they have no control over this. In contras, society has also been more discriminative to its women because they have viewed them as more of an object, than a individual. The men of the State are more open, and acceptable with calling women disgusting names. They label them as they are, because sexual promiscuity has lessened the beauty and value of their body. "John slapped her, and called her a whore"(pg.194), after Lenina went to show her true intentions with John, she undresses and is mentally attacked by John. This goes to show how unintentional, and unmoral the men are to call the women these disgusting names, just because Lenina was sexually attracted to John. In all, the way the State is brainwashed into believing that sexual interactions are a must and given without any real emotion is ruining the value of each human. Women are easily disciminized because they are viewed into more of a possession and not a living human, and not one person can realize this because of the authority by its government.

Sexual Promiscuity in today's world is a growing problem as humans are starting to devalue the attachment and meaning to having a sexual relationship. Humans tend to have more sexual partners throughout their lifetime, because they tend to be more experimental with the amount of people they attach to. In Brave New World characters frown upon having one partner throughout your life, they are more open to relationships, as it is shown in today's world.



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