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Situation Description - Getting a Job

Essay by   •  November 18, 2015  •  Coursework  •  562 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,514 Views

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                Journal #7


1.  What's my present situation?

Every time my mother see’s me she stresses the topic of how I need to get a job. I keep telling her that I will eventually but the new college work load keeps piling up and it would be a bad idea if I got a job right at the moment. She normally responds with “in order to be successful you have to have a job.” Which I argue back saying is that not what I am attending college for? To get a good career? My mother seems to think working is more important than school. Which I disagree with her 100%. This topic normally causes much tension between my mother and I. Noting I mentioned she brings it up everyday meaning this argument pretty much happens every single day.

2. How would I like my situation to be?

I would like for my mother to be understanding about the situation more so than being so straight forward and blunt about it. I would like to be able to sit down and have a conversation about it rather than it getting heated and the situation getting nowhere. I would also like the situation to come to an agreement and for it to not be stressed upon anymore.

3. What are my possible choices?

My mother and I could agree upon me getting a job later on down the road.

 I could stress to her the importance of school, maybe choosing the right words to persuade her to my side.

 I could also prove to her I have a pile of school work, tests, and quizzes by showing her my D2L or sites showing my assignments.

4.  What's the likely outcome of each possible choice?

Agree upon getting a job later: My mother could agree to this option. She might say the same things as she has previously. But if I disagree to getting a job we have to meet in the middle somewhere.

Stressing the importance of school: My mom potentially might realize the importance of school and the importance of me making good grades. Especially for my competitive major which is nursing.

Proving workload: My mom would then have proof that I have a lot of school work. That might be all she needs is evidence.

5. Which choices will I commit to do doing?

I will sit my mom down and start with agreeing to meet in the middle and get a job later on down the road. I also will stress the importance of school and how stressful it is at this point in my life. If that doesn’t work then I will try and prove to my mother the workload that is enforced.

6.  When & how will I evaluate my plan?

If the discussion with my mother does not get anywhere then I will revise my plan and come up with more options to get her to understand.


I learned from doing the wise choice process that things can actually be accomplished with patience. I now know that force is not the way to go about things. There are many different options I can use to try and successfully complete my goal. With the use of understanding and polite discussion that should lead me to the outcome I have wanted.



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