Social Structure Theory; Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone
Essay by Nicoled1989 • November 10, 2013 • Research Paper • 2,771 Words (12 Pages) • 4,680 Views
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Social Structure Theory; Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone
Nicole Davis
September 16, 2013
G. Andrew Smith
Social Structure Theory
Social structure theories look at all angles of social and economic parts of society. This helps try to find the cause of crimes and deviance in the world today. There are three types of social structure theories. These are social disorganization theory, strain theory and culture conflict theory. The social disorganization theory states that social conflicts and social changes are the causes behind crime and deviance. The strain theory says that crime and deviance are brought on by the amount of stress a person has on them, due to what society expects from them. The culture conflict theory states that crime and deviance are caused by the differences in culture. Each culture has its own beliefs, values and morals. Each culture also has its own view on what it is right and what is wrong.
There was a lot of information that supports how crime derives from a social structure theory in the video, "Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone". Those who are prisoners at Pelican Bay State Prison had set it in their mind that they wanted to get into this prison. This is due to the fact that they seen being in this prison as a reward rather than a punishment for their crimes. These prisoners see this prison as a reward because Pelican Bay holds the meanest gang leaders. These gang leaders still manage to run their gangs while they are doing time in Pelican Bay. These gang leaders fear nothing and no one. The gang leaders do what they need to do for their gang while they are in prison because their gang is the only family that they know. Therefore, they will do whatever is needed to protect their family. To a gang leader this is a bond that cannot be broken by anyone or anything.
This video talks a lot about Pelican Bay State Prison being known for the massive amount of gang leaders that do what they can to end up strictly in this prison. Gang leaders do this because they feel that they can gain more recognition by doing time in Pelican Bay State Prison. Pelican Bay State Prison holds the strongest and hardest gang leaders out there. Gang leaders that do their time in this prison do not come out broken and torn down. Instead these leaders come out stronger and harder than they were before. The interesting thing is how gangs are not lost without their leaders next to them every step of the way. Even though gang leaders are prisoners at Pelican Bay, they still manage to keep communication flowing with the members of their gang.
The biggest social issue that was presented in this video was how the gangs are controlled in different ways in the prisons. Even though gang leaders are in a tough prison, they are still managing to pass drugs through their allotted communication means. No matter what happens in the gang while their leader is in prison, the gang leader is still the one who calls the shots. For instance, if the gang feels a murder needs to happen, the gang leader is still the one who calls the shots. Pelican bay is trying everything that it can to stop this, but it is not all that easy to do.
There are two major principles that are shown in this video. The first principle is that there is a lack of a healthy home environment. The second principle is that gang life has become the only life that these prisoners know and have ever had. Gang violence is a big thing in Pelican Bay prison. It is so bad that it occurs every day. Gang violence has become so bad in this prison that these gang leaders have even had control over murders. These murders are committed by the gang leaders on those that are against the gang in any way, shape or form. The leaders choose to
have people murdered who make the gang feel threatened in some way. This goes back to gang members and leaders only knowing the gang life and willing to sacrifice their own lives for the gang.
The social structure theory has been examined over the years by theorists who look at all aspects of a criminal's life. They examine every part of their life, starting from the beginning. As these theorists continued to examine criminal's lives they are able to find out where it is these individuals became criminals. They can also see how they became criminals. These theorists have found that people who do not graduate school are most likely to become some type of criminal. Those who get an education and become well educated are able to make something of their selves and have a great life. This means that there is a small chance of these individuals turning and becoming criminals.
There are many reasons why individuals do not end up graduating and getting an education. This could be caused by not having a family that supports them and wants them to do well in life. This could also be caused by other life events occurring. For instance, someone may not graduate or finish their education because they end up getting pregnant and having a baby. Therefore, their focus tends to shift from an education to taking care of their newborn child. Other individuals may not graduate and get an education simply because they do not want to deal with that.
In our world today, law enforcement personnel are the good people. Crimes and those that commit crimes are the bad people and things. If we all worked together and parents cared more about their children, we could change the world. Keeping our youth busy with after school
activities and sports can help keep their focus on doing well in life. Giving them things to help occupy their time will help ensure that they stay out of trouble and keep away from bad things like drugs. However, that is not the case in today's world. In today's world everyone tries to mind their own business, for fear that there will be repercussions if they get involved in others' business. People are afraid that other people