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Society Case

Essay by   •  February 18, 2012  •  Essay  •  250 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,691 Views

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David Santana

EN1320 Frawley/Sub

Societal Observation on Standards Compared To Generations Before Me


December 17, 2011

Societal Observation on Standards Compared To Generations Before Me

Speaking to elders through my experiences for the most part brings you knowledge about ethics, culture, correct behavior & ways of the "old days." Something that is almost guaranteed to be brought up in the conversation how kids these days or people for that matter either dress, speak & behave. Myself being 19 and fairly knew to this world don't see this "new way of society," Its simply life as I know it.

According to people of generations before me & references off the internet standards were once different. We can all see that through what is allowed to play on present day television, the treatment of girls when taken out on dates, or as something as obvious as the length of skirts on girls on the cheerleading teams in high school. Looking at graduation photos since the class of 1960 posted in culver highs office I saw and understood the fact of changing standards & acceptance throughout the years. What develops these recent day standards in society & what makes them come into play? In my opinion it is the way the kids of the generation are brought up by their parents which in term would be passed onto the next generation. Slowly growing more & more lenient. If what I say is true, where would the line be drawn for generations after me?



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