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Essay by   •  October 16, 2017  •  Essay  •  456 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,219 Views

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Socrates denies the idea that his bones and sinews are not the true cause of his actions. He believes this mainly because there are other factors that play a role in one’s action other than the body itself. Socrates states, “If someone said that without bones and sinews and all such things, I should not be able to do what I decided, he would be right, but surely to say that they are the cause of what I do, and not that I have chosen the best course, even though I act with my mind, is to speak very lazily and carelessly” (Phaedo, 99a-99b). This example clearly displays Socrates against the idea about his bones and sinews defining his actions. But, he also thinks it’s normal if one isn’t able to finish a task without the body.  More importantly, Socrates believes his body doesn’t play a role when it comes to his action because he uses his mind and makes the best choice which defines his true behavior.

Moreover, Socrates position on true causes comes from his idea that the bones and sinews aren’t a proper reason for his actions. The main cause he believes plays a significant role in his actions relates to him using his mind to understand real causes. This is explained when he says “Imagine not being able to distinguish the real cause from that without which the cause would not be able to act as a cause” (Phaedo, 99b). I believe Socrates actions are primarily due to his mind since he finds it essential to determine a real cause rather than one that isn’t. I believe this also relates to his idea about making the best choice because his actions reflect his real cause.

The main thing that truly causes the actions I’m accounted for are due to what I think is right. For example, lets say I have a big project due tomorrow and I have yet to even start it. First of all, this would make me panic since it’s so last minute but eventually I would get on it and finish it before it’s due. This relates to Socrates idea about how he uses his mind that makes him responsible for his actions. Just like Socrates, I act using my mind which makes me make the best choice or action. Another thing thing that truly causes my actions is the way I feel. Even though this may not be the case always, I do think my mood has a significant impact on the things I do and the way I act. Overall, I agree with Socrates and believe the one thing that makes most people take the action they do is their mind rather than their body.



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