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Solve a Problem Paper

Essay by   •  April 15, 2012  •  Essay  •  399 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,927 Views

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Solve A Problem Paper

The Third Stage: Investigating the Problem or Issue

The objective of this stage is to obtain the information necessary to deal effectively

with the problem or issue. In some cases, this will mean merely searching your past

experience and observation for appropriate material and bringing it to bear on the

current problem. In others, it will mean obtaining new information through fresh

experience and observation, interviews with knowledgeable people, or your own

research. (In the case of the prisoner, it meant closely observing all the accessible

places and items in the prison.)

The Fourth Stage: Producing Ideas

The objective in this stage is to generate enough ideas to decide what action to take

or what belief to embrace. Two obstacles are common in this stage. The first is the

often unconscious tendency to limit your ideas to common, familiar, habitual

responses and to block out uncommon, unfamiliar ones. Fight that tendency by

keeping in mind that however alien and inappropriate the latter kinds of responses

may seem, it is precisely in those responses that creativity is to be found.

The second obstacle is the temptation to stop producing ideas too soon. As

we will see in Chapter 9, research has documented that the longer you continue

producing ideas, the greater are your chances of producing worthwhile ideas. Or

as one writer puts it, "The more you fish, the more likely you are to get a strike."

There is one final matter to be clarified before you will be ready to begin

practicing the creative process: How will you know when you get a creative idea?

By what characteristics will you be able to distinguish it from other ideas? A creative

idea is an idea that is both imaginative and effective. That second quality is

as important as the first. It's not enough for an idea to be unusual. If it were, then

the weirdest, most bizarre ideas would be the most creative. No, to be creative an

idea must work, must solve the problem, or must illuminate the issue it



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