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Survey of Gender Versus Age

Essay by   •  July 5, 2011  •  Essay  •  390 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,153 Views

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Gender versus Age

Gender/Age 18-25 26-35 36 and above Total

Male 4 3 2 9

Female 3 4 4 11

Total 7 7 6 20

Table 1.1 Survey of gender versus age

Chart 1.1 Survey of gender versus age

According to our research, we found that the gender and age were one of the factors that can affect people stay in the hotel. From the table, we can analysis that male that age between18 to 25 is higher than female which 4 and 3 out of 7 person. In my view, male is the highest rate with age of 18-25 because they may stay in hotel with their lover or friends for holiday. Besides, male has 3 person compare to female has 4 person in age of 26 to 35 which the total has 7 person. This is because most of female in age between 26- 35 go for hotel is for business purspose whereas 36 and above female go for holiday with family because as we know nowadays female are more independence than male. From the age 36 and above, male decline dramatically by 1 person and female still stand out of the top quantity compare to other ages. From the overall result, female stand more than male on staying in hotel.

Status versus Income

Status / Income RM 1000- 2000 RM 2000 - 4000 RM 4000 and above Total

Single 4 5 3 12

Married 2 4 1 7

Widow 1 0 0 1

Total 7 9 4 20

Table 2.1 Survey of status versus income

Chart 2.1 Survey of status over income

Regarding the chart and table above, we had analyst about the status with the income that will affect people on staying in hotel. We found that single people stay more in hotel because they want to enjoy life of freedom since they still not married or for business purpose. But for married people, they stay in hotel for holiday with their family to enjoy family day especially during weekend or festival. The highest rate of monthly income is RM 2000- 4000 following by RM 1000- 2000 and RM 4000 and above. Majority of the people in our survey are stand by single which normally with income of RM 2000- 4000. Income of RM2000 - 4000 is the average income between the three different statuses of people. We can see that RM 2000 - 4000 people are the highest in the different status of single and married which stand with 5 and 4 people. For widow status people, they stay hotel lesser because they was no



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