Team Composition - Multinational Team
Essay by judaprn • January 16, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,002 Words (5 Pages) • 1,989 Views
Team Composition/Multinational Team
In the world of business manufacturing there are few teams that operate at a high level of consistency. Teams that are considered to be dysfunctional will ultimately slow down the operations and in some cases neutralize the entire company. There are 3 infrastructure components that build a successful team.
I. Deciphering which employees are beneficial as a part of the team, and who are not. This responsibility lies squarely on the shoulders of the CEOs of the company. CEOs frequent make the mistake of not deriving at this decision early enough in the company's operations, in fact most of them endured altogether. Too often CEOs center their attention on the hiring of company positions and their pay grade assuming that this will resolve any indifference with in the employment and the operation of the team of the company. A key factor in the team's composition is making the right decisions in hiring the right employee who will contribute to the team.
II. Ensuring that the team performs its job by being able to focus in on the projects that are given to do. Emanating distractions that take away from their performance and responsibility of the tasks given to them to accomplish. They often spend too much time on what is not a priority and overly concentrate on what is not important in team meetings. It is the CEOs primary responsibility to address these types of issues when they arise.
III. Team dynamics and process it is an important component of the company having a functional team. Implementing changes that the team must adapt to where the team is dysfunctional. Addressing the friction of employee's cultural differences and working towards a team effort is an important part of the CEOs responsibility. Too often a CEO destiny themselves from the other employees they need to make and effort in associating are making contact with their subordinates.
Addressing Diversity of Cultures
As business expands globally through the advancement of technology on the Internet new opportunities of growth bring together different cultures functioning as one unit representing a business. Geographically Dispersed Teams (GDTs) is the key to the financial growth and success of a company. GDTs consist of a group of people that work together within and through different culture by the web. There are four key aspects in managing off shore teams:
I. Managing People - equipping training and understanding of the cultural backgrounds of people will ensure a smoother transition when working with different countries. It used to be before the Internet that GDTs had to have meetings in the same vicinity but now through technology these meetings may be conducted globally by the Internet. This coordinates the availability of any meetings globally and save both time and money.
II. Managing Cultural Diversity - GDT has members to graphically located only through the world, that are fluent in different languages and cultural differences which gives them the ability in managing diversity's within the company as they arise abroad.
III. Geographical Diversity - managing company and functional operations globally when dealing with the different time dispensations is another part of doing business across the world. It may be 9 AM here but 10 AM of the past day in another part of the world. Knowledge of the different time zones when it comes to processing