Technology in Oceania
Essay by olamedlej • February 5, 2012 • Essay • 477 Words (2 Pages) • 1,621 Views
Technology in Oceania
Nowadays technology is used for the common good -most of the time. It has helped us further our knowledge and make our lives easier. Some people might even say they cannot live without it. However, Winston Smith from the novel 1984 by George Orwell may disagree with them. Where Winston lives, society is controlled by a dictatorship also known as Big Brother. This dictatorship will use technology to manipulate its people in staying under the oligarchy of the party.
Under persuasive surveillance, life in the Oceania Province of Airstrip One consisted of incessant mind control and "thoughtcrimes" (as the inner party would call it.) Winston the protagonist is considered an outer party member. He is a citizen of Oceania and works for the Ministry of Truth, which is responsible for propaganda and historical revisionism. That was one way the inner party (Ingsoc) controlled society with technology. For example, Oceania was fighting a war with Eurasia then all of the sudden they were fighting a war with Eastasia and that Eurasia has always been an ally.
No matter what party you belong to, you are constantly being watched. Using a technological device such as the telescreen, which is placed in every home, at workstations, even in public places along with hidden microphones, they are able to catch you in the act of what they think is rebellion against Big Brother. Inner party members, however, are able to turn their telescreens off. For example, when Winston went to O'Brien's house to "get the copy of the new dictionary", O'Brien was able to turn off the telescreen to speak to Winston about some secretive things. However, it was only for a short amount of time, otherwise they would think you are up to no good.
As if telescreens are not enough of a scare to civilians, Big Brother also watched over the people by using spy helicopters. The spy helicopters would fly through the air and look into your windows. You are not allowed to have your curtains shut or else you would be immediately arrested and imprisoned for supposed "rebellion". Another method Big Brother's party would use to brainwash its people is the thought police. The thought police consisted of undercover agents who would pose as normal citizens and report any person with subversive tendencies or suspected thoughtcrimes. For example, when Mr. Charrington let Winston rent the room over his shop. Then later on Mr. Charrington busts through the door and arrests Winston and Julia for their thoughtcrimes and many other "crimes" that followed.
The fear that the party engraved in its people is uncommonly sustainable. However, with the right uses of technology and brainwashing techniques, the party was able to contain its people in a bubble. With technology, the party will only grow better and stronger. Big Brother will forever have his citizens under his rule