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Telecom Industry Philippines

Essay by   •  March 10, 2013  •  Essay  •  713 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,389 Views

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The Philippines has one of the most dynamic Telecom Industry stories. Growth in consumer usage and ICT Services advancement has led to the growth of the industry.

Snapshot of Mobile Communications

The total number of mobile subscribers has increased several folds since the last decade, where to date, we have a total of (QOUTE HOW MANY AS PER RECENT SURVEY). This growth is due to the industry's creative prepaid packages where there can be prepaid usage ranging from 1PHP and above (through Pasaload, Autoload, Unliload, Flexloads) of which helped penetrate mid to lower markets. Postpaid subscription is also shown to be gaining grounds where the unlimited plans have been implemented by the industry's major players.

Usage of SMS was key to the increase in the number of mobile communications usage. From the last decade up to date, it is still the dominant means of communication (show figures from Sun Cellular on how much usage per type of service is there SMS, Voice, Mobile Net).

There has been recent developments on inter network communication where in the past, it was relatively expensive to communicate to other networks. Nowadays there are flexible means of communicating such as All Net plans which further maintained the number of users of SMS and Voice.

Snapshot of Hard Line - It's shift from Consumer to Business

The rise in Mobile Communications caused the rapid erosion of the need for Consumer Hard Lines (show sun cellular figures of Digitel hard lines ratio vs. Sun Cellular lines). The initial dilemma of Mobile communication's success of limiting communication options such as Internet is now being addressed by the availability of Mobile Internet. Such unitary communications through mobile have further eroded the need for hard lines for Consumers.

The hard lines have shifted to serving IT enabled businesses of which predominantly serving Offshore/BPO Services.

The BPO and IT enabled workforce has increased by (quote how many BPO employees are there). It has generated an estimate of (quote estimate revenue) for the Telecoms industry. Government programs on making the Philippines the preferred service center for Offshore services contrinuted significantly to such increase (show benefits/perks and showcase the same in the 5 Forces model).

*Need Updated Breakout probably 2010 at least -check NTC Websiteor this can be quoted as towards end of the last decade J




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