Telecommunication Case
Essay by joyz • February 25, 2013 • Essay • 2,183 Words (9 Pages) • 1,155 Views
Now a day's mobile phone is the most effective and efficient medium for one to one communication. The number of cell phone users is increasing day by day. Among all the users of cell phone, students are a big portion. This report is focused on how students are using cell phone through different aspect in their daily life.
Purpose of the survey
Our main purpose of the survey is "Attitudes towards Cell Phone Uses by Students". In addition how students are involved into their daily life by using cell phone as their communication. However students have to choose a telecommunication network through which they can communicate with others. Therefore, our survey has indentified the student's preference to choose a telecom network from the available option in the market.
Background of the survey
After doing our survey it is found that majority students of universities are currently using AIRTEL network. The reason behind using this network is basically the call rate which Airtel offers. In addition, there are many things Airtel is providing along with the cheaper call rate, such as free minutes, free SMS and so on. Students are getting attracted by the offer provided by Airtel.
Our research is prepared on the basis of field survey. We have made a questionnaire through which we have collected our required information from the students.
We have collected bunch of information from the respondent regarding our survey. The data we have collected it is basically primary data collection. This information was not published in any article or other report. We have collected our information from 120 respondents from the top universities in Dhaka: Dhaka University, Independent University, Bangladesh, North South University, American International University of Bangladesh, Brac University and East West University.
Data Collection
There are many difficulties we had to face during data collection. We cannot collect much information because of short time and when we went to the dealers and local shops for information they refused to give any information and showed that they are busy all day long.
Comparison with others
The report is focused on university students and all the data being collected are from university students. Though it is important to make comparison with people of other profession so that the report would have been more effective but time shortage was the problem otherwise it would have been a very good opportunity for us.
Telecommunication Network and its Trend
In Bangladesh the number of cell phone users are increasing day by day and among these people student is a major part. There are many telecommunication network companies in Bangladesh and they always keep trying to capture the market. So that telecom network companies one of the major focus is to attract the youth group of people.
When Grameenphone was first launched DJUICE, it was captured the youth group of people. Students were first influenced by Djuice, they were attracted by some offering Djuice was providing.
After a while, when Banglalink entered into this market through its lower call rate then youth group are attracted by it. Students are always looking for cheaper call rate so that they can effort their expenses. Furthermore Banglalink was offering free SMS, free minutes and many gifts. But now Airtel is most popular amongst students.
Now a day's AIRTEL is capturing the youth group. After doing our survey we have found that most of the students are currently using Airtel. Because of Airtel very cheaper call rate, free minutes in every day, free SMS and lower rate for internet browsing.
Choice of Network
According to the pie chart we can see that a majority group of students are currently using Airtel, which is 40%. In addition 24% students are using Grameen Phone (GP), 16% students are using Banglalink, 8% students are using Robi and 16% of students are using both GP & Airtel. It is noticeable that in a short time in Bangladesh Airtel has created a good hype among the students.
Reason of choosing Network:
When we asked the students why they chose the particular network company they are using. From the pie chart above we can see that a vast group of students (52%) have chosen the network because of cheaper rate. A satisfied number of students (28%) said they have chosen it because of better network coverage, 12% of the students said they chose it because of both cheaper & better network and 8% of the students are convinced by the reputation while choosing network.
Those students who are using their telecom network because of cheaper rate, most of them are using Airtel. On the other hand most of the Airtel users are not happy with the network coverage they are providing. After doing our survey we have found that most of the Airtel users are using this network only because of cheaper call rate and other facilities. A pie chart is given below:
When we have asked the students are they happy with the services that telecom network is offering? A interesting statistics came out.32% of the students said yes, they are satisfied,36% of the students said No, they are not satisfied with the services and32% of the students have said that they are ok with the services. Farther more those students (36%) who are saying that they are not happy with the network coverage, most of them are using Airtel.