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Telecommunications and Networks

Essay by   •  November 27, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  1,501 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,555 Views

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I. Definition of the subject

Telecommunications technology is defined as physical devices and software that links various pieces of hardware and transfers data from one physical location to another. Computer networks consist of two or more connected computers that carry information across a wired or wireless technology. The basic hardware needed for the network to operate is a router which directs traffic to different computers and a network card which allows the computers to communicate. These networks include computers, internet services and communication tools which include cell phones, video conferencing, and email. The internet includes the World Wide Web, chat, email, and voice over internet protocol (VoIP), unified communications, and virtual private networks (VPN). Definitions of each term are defined below.

* World Wide Web is the most popular internet service.

* Chat allows individuals to "talk" live holding and interactive conversation.

* Email allows messages to be exchanged from person to person within seconds. It is faster and less expensive than any other delivery method such as the postal or overnight delivery services.

* Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows users to send calls using broadband internet. It allows users to avoid long distance and toll charges normally charged by local companies. "VoIP can reduce communication and network management costs by 20 to 30 percent." (Laudon, 2010, p. 269)

* Unified communications encompasses all forms of communications that are exchanged via the internet.

* Virtual private networks (VPN) are a client base application that allows high speed access to network services through a privately provided cable modem.

In today's business world, telecommunications, networking, wireless connections, and telecommuting is an absolute must in order to run a highly competitive and successful business. Moreover, telecommuting is an increasingly popular benefit that allows employees to work from a location other than the work location (usually from the employee's home).

II. Brief background of the company you have chosen

Emory University is a top 20 research university located in Atlanta, Georgia. It is recognized for its liberal arts college, professional schools, and is a leader in the Southeast region in medical care. Emory University is celebrating its 175th Anniversary this year.

Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University is a center within the University. Winship is a leader in cancer care and provides groundbreaking research and outstanding patient care to its patients. Winship if the first National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated cancer center in the state of Georgia. It was founded in 1937 by Robert Woodruff, president of Coca-Cola, in honor of his mother who died from cancer that same year. The clinic is named in honor of his maternal grandfather, Robert Winship.

III. Discussion of current business issues (the issues would be addressed by your chosen topic)

Wireless connection to networks and the Internet has become almost a necessity in today's busy, mobile world. Emory University is continually building and improving the network to support wireless service across the University. However, in the staff areas of the University, a wired connection is required to connect to the network. There are many advantages to offering staff the ability work on a wireless network. A wireless network allows the Information Technology Department to add or move workstations since cables are not required. There are long term cost benefits that exist if when there is a lot of movement and many changes throughout the organization.

Telecommuting is a benefit offered by the University; however, it is not implemented in the Cancer Institute. Allowing employees to telecommute (work from home) offers many benefits to employers and employees.

IV. Discussion of proposed

Building a mobile workforce can be a competitive advantage for the company. In order to remain competitive and have an advantage over the competition, the organization must implement flexibility to its workforce. "It is estimated that the number of telecommuters will reach one billion by 2011, which includes nearly 75 percent of the U.S. workforce." (Clemons, D. & Kroth, M., 2011, p. 77) There are many benefits associated with implementing a telecommuting policy and installing wireless networks. They include:

* Increased productivity and improved employee morale.

* Telecommuting is attractive to applicants. It allows organizations to attract, retain, and motivate new hires and employees. In a global market for talent, the best employees can work anywhere. Like flexible work hours, telecommuting offers a low cost option to help with recruitment of hard to fill positions. (Smith, S. & Mazin, R., 2004, p. 89)

* Setting up wireless networks increases savings. The organization does not need to spend



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