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Tertiary Institutions in South Africa

Essay by   •  March 19, 2013  •  Research Paper  •  2,058 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,671 Views

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Problem

The nature of this report was to investigate the existing gap between employer's view on the quality of graduates produced by tertiary institutions in South Africa and the view of graduates regarding the workplace. Higher Education South Africa (HESA) has recently undertaken a research study from the employer's perspective regarding the nature of the gap between employer expectations and graduate quality in the workplace (Parker, 2009). This perceived problem has impacted business globally in a negative manner. Not having competent and equipped graduates in the workplace have various negative repercussions on the organisation.

1.2 Scope and Limitations

Synovate will examine this problem from the Graduate Employee's (GE) point of view as well as the employer's. The limitations of HESA's report were that they only focused on employers expectations of graduates. A broad overview of the problem could not be obtained because time was also a limitation since the research was done in short period of time. By interviewing only four graduates and one employer/manager a clear and concise understanding of the problem was not easy to conclude. Geographically there was also a limitation, HESA had conducted its survey based on the view of the entire South Africa, Synovate did research in the Western Cape only.

1.3 Research Question

The research question is to investigate the gap between employer's expectations of graduates and the actual skills and competencies of graduates in the workplace. What graduate attributes employers feel are necessary to be successful in the workplace.

1.4 Layout of the Report

In total, five questionnaires have been used to present the findings in this report. Four graduates with more than one-year working experience was interviewed, as well as an employer. These questionnaires can be found in appendix 1 at the back of the report. This report will discuss the findings obtained from the data analysis. This will be presented by figures or tables as well as a description and analysis of the figures demonstrated. Conclusions will be discussed by answering the research questions. Recommendations will be made to address the problem.

2. Findings

Figure 2.1 Basic Skills and Understanding prior to entering the workplace

2.1.1 Description

According to the figure 1 based on the average ranking of attributes, GE has ranked computer literacy as the most important skill of basic skills and understanding. The other skills such as numeracy, language and the ability to find access to information were ranked important. This figure also indicates the employer's ranking of graduate attributes in the basic skills and understanding category.

2.1.2 Analysis

Based on the findings in the category basic skills and understanding, graduates were of the opinion that computer literacy is the most important attribute that contributes to graduate success in the workplace. Economic Management and Sciences faculties have none or few hands on courses for computer literacy, so it is understandable, with the continuous changing technologies that graduates feel that computer literacy is an important attribute for the labor market. Graduate employees feel that they are not equipped to work with the company software and therefore cannot complete tasks assigned to them which require working on the computer. Employers are under the assumption that graduates cannot handle large amounts of work which is a vital aspect of any corporate company. Numeracy and quantitative literacy is another important factor in the corporate world. This attribute serves as the ground rule for all business activities in the financial sector. Communication also plays a major role in the success of graduate employees. Effective communication eliminates misunderstandings and misreading between employers en employees. GE would know exactly what is expected of them and would ask for help if they encounter a problem. In this regard, no one will be unclear about responsibilities. In the financial sector, it is important that all workers are always updated on the current affairs of the country; therefore having access to information is an important attribute. In order to communicate information effectively to clients they need to have access to the correct sources. Taken all the above mentioned attributes into account, they are all considered very important to the success of graduates in the workplace,

Figure 2.2 Knowledge and Intellectual Ability

2.2.1 Description

Figure 2 illustrates the knowledge and intellectual abilities of the Graduate Employees. GE indicated that critical and analytical ability was very important. Understanding core principles and processes as well as understanding of economic and business realities were ranked on average 4.5. The ability to summarize issue was ranked important. The employer ranked all the attributes similar to those of graduate employees except understanding core principles and processes together with understanding of economic and business realities were ranked 4 whereas the GE ranked those attributes 4.5

2.2.2 Analysis

In modern day organizations, graduates will not have a textbook as a guideline when entering the workplace, therefore it is imperative that they consist of critical and analytical abilities so whenever they encounter a problem they would know how to analyse and approach the problem to solve it. The employer feels that it is difficult to relate theory to the workplace, therefore it is important to analyse information. This relates to the understanding of core principles and processes. Consisting of the basic skills can help in numerous situations and can help graduates to solve problems. Working in the financial sector, it is important that GE are always updated about current affairs in the country, therefore understanding of economic and business realities in conjunction with the above mentioned attributes, plays an important role in the success and effectiveness of GE in the workplace. In conclusion, both GE and employers have the same view of knowledge and intellectual ability attributes.

Figure 2.3 Workplace Skills and Applied Knowledge

2.3.1 Description

Figure 3 summarizes the workplace skills and applied knowledge of



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