The Five Percenters or the Nation of Gods and Earths
Essay by people • July 15, 2011 • Essay • 499 Words (2 Pages) • 2,006 Views
The Five Percenters or the Nation of Gods and Earths as the refer to themselves is a religious organization and is an off shoot of the Nation of Islam. However, just as muslims, they themselves do not describe their beliefs as a religion but simply as "a natural way of life". The Five Percent Nation was created in the 1960's when it's founder Clarence Smith who is also known as Clarence 13x was exiled from the Nation of Islam. The reason for Clarence Smith leaving the Nation is not fully understood or verifiable. While Clarence was a member of the Nation of Islam he began cultivating his own ideas (the reason many believe he was exiled) and when he left the Nation of Islam he began spreading his ideas to the youth of Harlem, New York. Most of his ideas mirrored the Nation of Islam but unlike members of the Nation who believe Master Fard is God, Clarence Smith taught that all black men were God. The belief that black men are God is the primary idea of the Nation of Gods and Earths and the most controversial.
It is extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact beliefs of the Nation of Gods and Earths because there is no written doctrine ascribed to the religion. Clarence Smith was murdered in 1969 and the organizition has no leader. The ideas are passed on through the idea of "each one teach one". And while you may be able to locate writings about the organization you will likely find conflicting information because of its lack of ordained written material and the practice of members sculpting the religion to fit their own particular lifestyles. However, a few things remain constant throughout the organization. Members are required to learn and be able to recite 'the lessons'. The lessons are the same lesson used in the Nation of Islam. Language, numbers and symbolism is extremely important.
The Nation of Gods and Earths is not recognized by the Nation of Islam or orthodox Islam. One reason is because of the behavior of members who subscribe to the belief. The Nation of Gods and Earths is very prevelant in the hip hop culture and with young black youths. Many members indulge in lifestyles contray to both islamic rules and societal rules. In fact, the Nation of Gods and Earths has been referred to as a gang. The classification as a gang comes from imprisoned members being labled as such within in correctional facilities and this ideal spilling out into mainstream society. But the Nations of Gods and Earths is not a gang and the teachings of the organization do not support or condone activities that would be associated with gang activity. Regardless of the acceptance the Nation of Gods and Earths recieves from the rest of the society, what started out as a small movement in New York has been embraced globally and has gained thousands of members of many ages and backgrounds including some non-black and continues to grow.