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The Fraternity by Ashley Barrera

Essay by   •  March 7, 2011  •  Study Guide  •  1,767 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,969 Views

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The Fraternity by Ashley Barrera


"Hello?" Stephanie said as she answered the phone. She could hear only muffled breathing and distant shouting. Then a voice came on.

"Please! Stephanie you've got to help me, or he'll kill me!"

"Kirsten? What's going on? Who's going to kill you?"

"It's Evan, Stephanie! He's the one that's doing all of this!"

Then she heard screaming and the phone became silent. All she heard next was...

"Your next."

...before the line went dead.

Chapter One- a murder in The Streets

"Hey Evan! What's up?" David Hennessy said as Evan Fawkes entered the fraternity house. Evan was new to the University of California, and had just pledged to the ultra-exclusive Sigma Alpha Zeta Fraternity. He had short, dark brown hair and was tall and muscular.

"I was just telling Kirsten about your awesome lacrosse skills!" said David, who was short and had a pudgy, baby looking face with millions of freckles, surrounded by tufts of blond curls.

"Yeah well I'm not all that great Adam's way better." Said Evan

"He's so right you know." Adam Brooks said entering from the lobby from the dorm upstairs, his girlfriend Stephanie Greene on his arm. Adam was vain looking with his tousled brown locks and brown-blue eyes. Stephanie had long glossy red hair and piercing green eyes.

"Way to be modest Adam!" she scolded sarcastically.

"I think it's physically impossible for Adam to be modest." Kirsten said, she was very athletic and had a blonde bob haircut.

They all laughed and headed out to the movies.

"Which one do you girls want to see?" said David.

"Hey, how come they get to decide?" teased Adam

"Cause we're cooler than you that's why!" they said in unison before bursting into laughter. They went and saw the stupid comedy-horror flick called Zombie Land. Afterwards they went to Peet's Coffee and Tea café and had fredos (basically a Frappuccino). Then they walked over to the fountain in the main square of Southglenn Streets. They would never forget what they found there.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" said Kirsten in utter horror.

"Ohh." A low moan escaped Stephanie's throat. A girl about their age floated in the fountain, her lifeless hazel eyes wide open and her mouth frozen in an "o" of terror.

"Who do you think she is?" Evan questioned.

"I think its Amy Hamilton. Yes, for sure she pledged our sorority, Delta Nu." Said Kirsten

"Your right her dorm was down the hall from mine." Said Stephanie. People had begun to gather around the body, seeing the horrified expressions on the group's faces. Soon the police rushed over, jostling the now large crowd to get through. Amy had been brutally murdered, stabbed to death. Her body had been left in the fountain since earlier that day. The police questioned Kirsten and Stephanie once they said they knew her.

"Do either of you know any enemies that could possibly have done this?" the tall police officer with spiky hair questioned.

"No we weren't really that close, just a few classes and our sorority." They replied. They all left that night with Amy's eyes haunting them in their sleep. Stephanie knew she would never forget the look on Amy's lifeless face.

Chapter Two- Stephanie's betrayal

Two weeks later

"Hey Steph, where's Adam?" said Kirsten as Stephanie entered the Starbucks café.

"He had lacrosse practice with Evan and David." She replied

"Oh, yeah I forgot. So, are you going to the Sigma's party with Adam?"

"I don't know those things aren't all that. Everyone just gets drunk and make fools of themselves in front everybody. I don't think so."

"Oh, come on David and I are going, besides its the fourth of July and there'll be fireworks being set off."

"Well maybe if Adam wants to."


They talked about clothes, recent movies, music and their boyfriends until the late afternoon. When they had both parted their own ways Stephanie was in her dorm room talking to Adam on the phone. She was arguing with him about the party.

"Adam I really want to go see the fireworks, come on! We can just stay for a little while." She pleaded.

"No Stephanie I can't go." He replied firmly.

"Why not?"

" Because, okay? I have plans." He said

"What plans? With who?" She inquired suspiciously. I have every right to be suspicious with the way he's been acting lately. So strange. She thought.

"With another girl Stephanie. Yeah okay, there I said it! I'm going out with another girl. I breaking up with you."

"What?!? You're joking right? This is just one of you and Evan's jokes again right?"

"No Stephanie, I'm completely serious. It's over. Goodbye."


Chapter Three- the Sigma party

"Hey Steph! There's someone I want you to meet." Kirsten shouted over the blaring music. "Stephanie this is Mason. Mason this is Stephanie the girl I told you about."

"It's so great to finally meet you. I heard so much." He said. He had a handsome face with



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