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The Functional and Pragmatic Features of Word Formation in Modern English Language and to Consider Various Classifications on This Issue

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Ө. Сұлтанғазин атындағы Қостанай мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты

Филология факультеті

Шетел тілдері кафедрасы

Ways of forming English compound words

Дипломдық жұмыс

Орындаған: Ж. Ж. Сардарбекова,

 4-курс студенті

Ғылыми жетекші: Г. К. Исмагулова,

филология ғылымдарының кандидаты

Қостанай, 2019

[pic 1]



Chapter I. Compounding as a way of word-formation in modern English language............................................................................................................................5

  1. Compounding as a way of word-formation in the scientific tradition...................5
  2. Composition as a productive way to replenish the vocabulary of modern English………………………………………………………………………….16
  3. Classification of models of composition by morphological basis………………20

3.1 Compound nouns……………………………………………………………….20

3. 2 Compound adjectives………………………………………………………….23

3.3 Compound Verbs……………………………………………………………….24

4.   Classification of models of composition by semantic basis……………………24

Conclusion on the first chapter………………………………………………..…28


Being in constant motion, the language is continuously developing, improving, and having its present, past and future. Dictionary enrichment is one of the most important factors in the development of a language, evidence of its dynamic nature. Language vocabulary is in a state of continuous change in accordance with language laws. With the development of society, new objects, phenomena appear, they are sealed in new words and new meanings.

Linguists have always been interested in the problem of the emergence and use of new words, especially in our era, a distinctive feature that has become the emancipation of the language and, as a result, the abundance of all kinds of new growths in both the literary language and modern English slang. Such problems as: O. D. Meshkov, Ye. S. Kubryakova, I. V. Arnold and many others. Having studied the literature on this topic, it turned out that the problem of the functional and pragmatic characteristics of the composition in modern English slang is not fully disclosed. This explains the relevance of this study.

The present thesis deals with the word-formation processes and especially, with the compounding.

Aim:  to determine the functional and pragmatic features of word formation in modern English language and to consider various classifications on this issue.


  •  to analyze the literature on this issue of domestic and foreign contemporary authors;
  •  to sample lexical items from modern lexicographic sources;
  •  to analyze the selected units in accordance with the educational models, semantic and functional features;
  • to analyze the parameters of expressiveness of these lexical units in the context.

Research methods:

- Comparative analysis method;

- Conceptual analysis;

- Component analysis;

- Quantitative method.

The subject of research is the ways of forming English compound words.

The objects of the study are formal, pragmatic-stylistic and functional features of units formed by the method of compounding in the English language.

The research material is lexical units, selected by the method of continuous sampling from the English dictionaries, formed by the method of compounding.

To realize the objectives, there were consulted many sources of linguists such as:

The structure of this course paper contains an introduction where the main objectives of it are presented, two chapters, conclusion and bibliography.

We hope that through this paper we will be able to better identify the compound words and to use them in utterance.

Chapter I. Compounding as a way of word-formation in modern English language 

1. 1 Compounding as a way of word-formation in the scientific tradition

Modern linguistic concepts are characterized by attempts to reveal the universal character of a language that provides communication between a person and non-linguistic reality. Language, therefore, is a means of conceptualizing this reality, creating a linguistic picture of the world [2; 4; 11].

In particular, cognitive linguistics is based on the idea of ​​a prototype, a prototypical object and a prototypical situation, bearing in mind the unified nature of linguistic and other cognitive mechanisms and processes associated directly with nature and man [Kustova, 2000]. The cognitive theory of linguistics is based on the theory of nomination, according to which the naming process establishes the connection of linguistic elements with facts of reality, including the conceptual class of naming objects in a certain system of linguistic signs associated with the concept called [9]; Thus, a prototypical set of basic types of actions, states, relationships, events is created, organizing the most developed circle of functional human actions within a certain natural, social, cultural space.

This prototypical set or class of basic objects and situations is gradually expanding, being replenished with new, undeveloped. The process of describing new life situations does not occur by inventing new words, but as a result of using existing patterns, including derivational models, activating them by analogy. The prototypes of the new name can serve several structural semantic models of the same type, embedding similar derivatives into word-formation series [8, 59]. The study of naming mechanisms, the emergence of new words by analogy is especially important when studying new trends emerging in the marginal, non-standard vocabulary of the language, contributing to the development of vocabulary. One of the ways of word production, reflecting the complex integration processes of naming, is a compound formation of words, simultaneously using affixation and addition of root morphemes. Thus, the complex derivative word is characterized by integrity, structural unity, combining a syntagma into a morphological whole: defining / determining [17]. The integrity of the compound word is also noted by such scientists as Meshkov, Amosova, and others.



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