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The Greater Wellington Regional Council

Essay by   •  June 26, 2012  •  Essay  •  299 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,281 Views

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The Greater Wellington Regional Council has approached you to produce an A3 Poster promoting "Protecting our Waterways". The A3 Poster is intended to be used to inform the Porirua and Local Communities about the aquatic wildlife within the Porirua Stream, the importance of the Porirua Streams ecosystem and protecting our waterways for the future. The Porirua Harbour Strategy Coordinator of the Porirua City Council also requires that the document looks professional in the layout so that the community will be clearly informed of the importance of the Porirua Stream and "Protecting our Waterways. Accordingly your layout design must follow the graphic design principles of harmony, balance, proportion and sequence. Think carefully about where you will place your graphics and text. Remember to re-check the resolution of any graphic you re-size to see that it is at least 300 dpi. The document must communicate its message clearly and effectively in terms of readability, legibility, presentation and accuracy. Read through the provided resources under student resources and produce the following information for your A3 Poster in a new word document; (All information must be reworded, provide evidence of original resource text before rewording.)

A summary on the importance of the Porirua Streams ecosystem.

A summary of types of pollutants found and how the community can minimise and reduce types of pollutants to improve the overall quality of the Porirua Stream. (See Website Resources

. On one piece of A4 paper produce Two Thumbnail Sketches identifying and including Tasks 2-6, where you intend to place these tasks on your poster. Also see and include the specifications outlined in the Brief. Use a Ruler and a Pencil; apply the Design Principles of Sequence, Alignment, Balance and Proportion. Evaluate both Thumbnail Sketches, choose one to use as your final layout/design for your A3 Poster.



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