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The Internet Killed the Television

Essay by   •  May 13, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,066 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,676 Views

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Throughout history new technology has been invented to improve the efficiently and how fast something can be done. When this happens it makes the old items obsolete and useless for most people. One example is the car. The car all started with an animal pulling a cart with a human inside of it. The invention then later grew into what we now know as the car. However the animal and cart are now obsolete so people don't use them anymore. This trend also follows suit with media, and how we obtain are media changes over time. It all started with humans telling others humans what is going on. Next they started to record them onto rock walls. Next they started to record onto paper. Then humans started to broadcast the media through the use of radios. Then they started to broadcast on televisions. Finally they started to use a new invention know as the Internet. Since the invention of the Internet is has only been growing more and more with each passing year. The Internet is quicker and more efficient why the television because of the access to the news, television shows, and movies.

Everyday people are trying to so up late to get their nightly news programming on their television so that they know what is going on in the world. This though can be a problem because most people are a sleep before the news is even on at 11 PM. Thus they are unable to stay up to date on their world and local news. That is just what Officials at NBC-affiliate KCRA in Sacramento, California are saying, "Waving lifestyle studies at NBC, the officials say desirable viewers are asleep by then and want the news an hour earlier." This pushes the door wide open for the Internet to become the number one source for people to get there daily news intake. According to the Pew Research Center, "Nearly three-quarters of Americans (73%) follow news during the course of the day on the Internet. This is up significantly from 61% two years ago."(PewResearch 2) If can't do math only 12% of Americans use to follow the news throughout the day. However, since the Internet came around the number of people that follow the news daily have grown by 61%. With people taking in the news around them all day they no longer have to stay up late which can hurt their sleeping schedule. This is just the first way that the Internet has killed the television.

People plan their day as follows get up, shower, work (school), home, TV shows, and bed. The best part of the day being the time that people are sitting on their couch or chair kicked back and watching their favorite TV show. CBS' Monday night line-up continued to perform solidly with "How I Met Your Mother" tallying its season-high number of 9.8 million viewers.(Inside TV) "How I Met Your Mother" may have gotten 9.8 million views but there is 307,006,550 people in the United States, so that night over 290 million people were not watching that show. The question is where were



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