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The Last Ride Together - Robert Browning

Essay by   •  August 8, 2011  •  Essay  •  774 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,673 Views

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The Last Ride Together


I said---Then, dearest, since 'tis so,

Since now at length my fate I know,

Since nothing all my love avails,

Since all, my life seemed meant for, fails,

Since this was written and needs must be---

My whole heart rises up to bless

Your name in pride and thankfulness!

Take back the hope you gave,---I claim

---Only a memory of the same,

---And this beside, if you will not blame,

Your leave for one more last ride with me.


My mistress bent that brow of hers;

Those deep dark eyes where pride demurs

When pity would be softening through,

Fixed me, a breathing-while or two,

With life or death in the balance: right!

The blood replenished me again;

My last thought was at least not vain:

I and my mistress, side by side

Shall be together, breathe and ride,

So, one day more am I deified.

Who knows but the world may end tonight?


Hush! if you saw some western cloud

All billowy-bosomed, over-bowed

By many benedictions---sun's

And moon's and evening-star's at once---

And so, you, looking and loving best,

Conscious grew, your passion drew

Cloud, sunset, moonrise, star-shine too,

Down on you, near and yet more near,

Till flesh must fade for heaven was here!---

Thus leant she and lingered---joy and fear!

Thus lay she a moment on my breast.


Then we began to ride. My soul

Smoothed itself out, a long-cramped scroll

Freshening and fluttering in the wind.

Past hopes already lay behind.

What need to strive with a life awry?

Had I said that, had I done this,

So might I gain, so might I miss.

Might she have loved me? just as well

She might have hated, who can tell!

Where had I been now if the worst befell?

And here we are riding, she and I.


Fail I alone, in words and deeds?

Why, all men strive and who succeeds?

We rode; it seemed my spirit flew,

Saw other regions, cities new,

As the world rushed by on either side.

I thought,---All labour, yet no less

Bear up beneath their unsuccess.

Look at the end of work, contrast

The petty done, the undone vast,

This present of theirs with the hopeful past!

I hoped she would love me; here we ride.




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