The Relationship of Creativity Between First and Eleventh Graders
Essay by orrantia • October 26, 2017 • Research Paper • 4,117 Words (17 Pages) • 1,143 Views
Essay Preview: The Relationship of Creativity Between First and Eleventh Graders
The Relationship of Creativity between First and Eleventh Graders
Marrina Orrantia
Eastern New Mexico University
This research proposal will focus on determining the differences in creativity between first and eleventh grade students. Randomly selected high school and elementary students from three different districts will be asked to participate in this experiment. They will be exposed to survey questions, personal based opinions and the use of their imagination. Results of the survey will be categorized based grade level, the amount of time it takes a student to complete the packet and the originality of the student’s art work. The study will be based around the student’s originality and time used to complete the packet given.
The Relationship of Creativity between First and Eleventh Graders
Throughout the years there has always been that question, what is creativity and at what age is it more prominent. Although, creativity is difficult to define, it is generally agreed that creativity is the ability to produce work that is both original (new, uncommon, fresh, unpredicted) and valuable (beneficial, good, adaptive, suitable) (Kapoula et al., 2016). Due to the fact that creativity can be defined in so many ways, the majority of individuals do not even know that they are using creativity in their everyday lives. Because of this, creativity has been touted as an essential 21st-century skill and is regarded as an integral component of student success (Eckhoff, 2011).
Adolescence is a time of natural exploration and learning, putting great demands on the ability to flexibly adapt to changing environments, for instance, learning new tasks in school, developing social competencies. (Cousijn, 2014). Education is an important fundamental in the expansion of creativity that each student has throughout their lives . In 2005, Egan discovered that imagination is too often seen as something peripheral to the core of education, something taken care of by allowing students time to express themselves in the arts. Egan stated that the proper work of educating goes on in the sciences and math and in describing conventionally efficient literacy. This research proposal is to explore the correlation and differences of creativity between first and eleventh graders. The two population samples to be examined will be focused on time and originality of the concepts given to the individuals.
Significance of Study
The significance of this study is to acquire knowledge of the relationship that creativity has on first and eleventh grade students. Education has become a necessary part of increasing creativity in students at every age level that is then tied into creating student success. This study will discover the relationship that creativity has on students as well as if that particular skills has not yet been developed.
The word creativity, covers a broad variety of categories and skills that children endure in their daily activities. Creativity exists only in the person’s mind, in spite of the most fascinating and unusual combinations of gastronomic spices, musical notes, or colors on a canvas, no one can smell, hear, or see this phenomenon itself, only imagine it and theorize it (Pinheiro and Cruz, 2014). The significance of this study is to discover the relationship creativity between first and eleventh graders.
Definition of Terms
This study will look at the creativity level which focuses on originality and time based products in their art work of both first and eleventh graders as well as the ratings of peers, teachers and supervisors. The independent variable would be the time the student takes to finish and the dependent variable would be originality and grade level skills used on the paper. The independent variables would consist of the amount of time each student takes to come up with their drawing using the given shapes that were displayed. Measuring creativity is basically determining the behaviors necessary for someone to be considered creative, and then observing their degree among the other subjects who perform these same behaviors (Pinheiro and Cruz, 2014). The dependent variable, student’s originality and skill level, would be measured by scores given by teachers, supervisors and student’s self-rating as well as determining if the art work is grade level material.
Research Problem
Research has shown a variety of different ways to expand and measure creativity throughout the grade levels. It has been argued that creativity is a necessity for growth and survival (Gilson, D’lnnocenzo, & Moye, 2012). However, creativity covers a broad expansion of how to measure the different types of creativity and how much time is need. To determine the accuracy of creativity between elementary and high school students, it is necessary to expand this study and look at the relationship on a broader spectrum for example, making the sample size bigger and looking at different ethnicities. Therefore, this study will be use to explore the relationship that first and eleventh graders have when it comes to using creativity in art.
Review of Literature
Creativity only exists in people’s minds, in spite of how fascinating, unusual, or artist it may be, no one can smell, hear or see this, only imagine it or theorize it (Pinheiro and Cruz, 2014). Therefore, when exploring the correlation or differences creativity has on first and eleventh graders, researchers have to locate and review previously conducted studies relevant to the proposed study. Searches of academic journals using terms such as creativity in adolescents or creativity in gender differences, how creativity is measured, which presented a wide variety of relevant articles. With that being said, the following review of literature will cover a wide spectrum of articles and studies addressing the correlation and differences that creativity has on elementary and high school students
Changes in Creative Thinking
The purpose of a study by Kim, (2011) was to determine whether creativity thinking in children has changed over time. The study used a sample size of 272,599 kindergartens through 12th grade students. This sample was geographically balanced it covered Northeast, Southeast, and Western areas of the United States. This experiment estimated around 30 minutes for the students to complete the packet that consisted of three parts that was 10 minutes each. Activity one, the student was required to create a picture using a pear or jelly bean shape which was stipulated as a stimulus, Activity two required the student to use ten incomplete shapes or figures to make a picture, and the last activity consisted of creating a picture or pictures only out of the three pages of lines or circles provided. The researchers scored these activities based on Fluency, Originality, Creative Strength, and Elaboration. Based on the results they found that in the category Fluency had a large decrease of creativity in Kindergartners through third graders with a t(92,931)= 48.56, p < .001, d 1⁄4 0.32 (moderate effect) and in high school students there was a decrease in scores however it was not significant (Kim, 2011). However, in the Originality category high school students had an increase although it was not significant at .001, t(3,426) 1⁄4 3.08, p 1⁄4 .002 and Kindergarten and third grade students had the largest decrease in scores (Kim, 2011). Based on this information the researcher found that the reason there is more of constant score is because they are not alert of issues such as accuracy and appropriateness when it comes to responses that generate their own ideas (Kim, 2011). The children’s ability to think in detail and their motivation to be creative increases steadily as they age; Because of this adolescent tend to have a lower score. This study demonstrates that creativity develops in age and continues to increase self-exploration and ability to elaborate.