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The Renaissance Period 1350 -1600: Italian Culture

Essay by   •  July 29, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,529 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,438 Views

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Renaissance is an imported word from French meaning resurrection. It was a cultural and artistic achievement period in Europe from 14th century to 16th century. It was described by several distinguishing ideas about life, particularly individualism, materialism, secularism and humanism. Its spirit predisposed European society for years making it a historical moment.

Research problem

Renaissance is a culture rebirth; this study aims at identifying whether the period before rebirth was of gloom and darkness. Historians and writers show that Middle Ages and the medieval era produced architecture, art, and literature, ideas in law and economics which had a great influence and was the basis of rebirth in the 14 century. What could have caused this rebirth and what effects did it have?

Research objectives

 Examine the difference of life between prehistoric Roman times and life in dark ages

 Explain various important features of the late medieval lifestyle.

 Review some of transformation which occurred in literature, architecture, art, science, exploration and communication due to Renaissance.

 Identify and explain the factors which led and resulted to Renaissance.

 Evaluate and discuss some of the explanations why early humanists were interested in the lost cultures of Prehistoric Greece and Rome.


Since Renaissance was largely stirred by rediscovery of long lost lifestyle, an important amount of this study is dedicated to a historical analysis of 1400 years that came before Renaissance. Life in prehistoric Rome is compared to life with barbarians during the dark ages. This study intends to cover the feudal and devout life in the last part of middle ages. Renaissance is seen as an appearance from an extended period of introspection which happened in the Middle Ages as the magnificence of Greek and classical Roman cultures were discovered. Architecture and art in Renaissance are compared to medieval art and their perspective discussed. The study also aims at explaining different features of science and the consequences of the invention of moveable type printing at the time of Renaissance. Also observed is the reformation and Renaissance exploration.

Literature review

Many studies have been conducted regarding Renaissance 1350-1600 terming it as an age of transition, (Schmitt). A group of people who were known as middle class played a very important role during this period and more particularly in the Renaissance, the commercial revolution, the protest Reformation and the growth of national monarchies. Around the 14th century, Italy started to trade with Middle East and began to become rich. Italian traders were taking advantage of the geographical advantage. A group of wealthy and powerful merchants appeared as the new middle class. For the first time in history common people had money and time to look upon outside interests such as education and art. As a result Greek and Italians came with an idea of Renaissance. They came up with ideas like individualism, naturalism and humanism which became popular and important to many Europeans. Printers, architects and sculptors created many fine arts reflecting theses ideas. Several middle class created the art themselves while most of them supported the ideas and the artists with their money. One of the greatest families that supported the artists in the northern Italian town of Florence is the Medici's, (Kraye).

Another thing that brought great changes in Europe is the Protestant Reformation. Before Renaissance, all religious writings as well as the Bible were only printed in Latin. Two things occurred that changed this fact. First, Johann Gutenberg printed the first European book with variable type. The second one happened in 1520's when Martin Luther translated the New Testament to German from Latin. This for the first time made middle class Europeans to not only own a bible but also be in a position of reading it because it was now written in a language they could understand, (Kekewich).

Just before the end of 15th century various European countries became interested in exploiting and exploring the wealth of other foreign nations. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 triggering a more powerful craving for exploration. Middle class people had much to gain from their nation's exploration to foreign lands. It provided more opportunities for wealth and adventure. These according to researchers caused Commercial Revolution. A commerce venture, for instance trade with other nations required a lot of wealth, (Woolfson).

Renaissance was a recovery age from the disasters of the 14th century such as political instability, the plague and refuse of church power. Recovery went together with rebirth of interest in prehistoric culture. The Italian thinkers were now conscious of their past and became strongly interested in the culture that had concurred the prehistoric Mediterranean world. A new view of human beings came by as generation in Renaissance began to stress individual ability. Leon Battista, a 15th century Italian said that given chance men could do all things if they had to. A high consideration for human worth and an understanding of what persons could attain created a new social principle. A well formed general individual was in a position of achieving in many areas of life for example Leonardo da Vinci



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