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The Responsibility of a Catholic Citizen in a Free Society

Essay by   •  May 27, 2011  •  Essay  •  320 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,153 Views

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The Responsibility Of A Catholic Citizen In A Free Society

The responsibility of a catholic citizen in a free society is, too respect there religon no matter what it is. For example going to church and u dont have to do it all the time you know go when ever you have the time and are not to lazy to get up and go to your nerest church or just go with your school if your school goes to church you should always practice your religon.

Another resosibility is to listen to you elders, for example your parents if they ask you you to do somthing do it's not going to kill you to clean your room or take 10 or 15 minutes to cut the grass. Another example is your teachers you have too listen to them if you want to succed in life u have to do your home work and try too pay attention and stay out of trouble, and somtimes its hard but you have to do it is life. And here is the most important thing to follow in life the law you should never break you will end up in jail for doing so stupid as taking a chocolat bar for example and later you will have too think to your self was that chocolat bar really worth it.

One of the most important responsibilitys of a catholic student is comunity sevice. comunity service really helps you in life think of this to pass high school you need 40 hours of community service and comunity serice looks good on job application just think you could of had your dream job if you only did a little community service. It is good toi also donate to food banks or charities like really you cant spear a buck or two to help some child starving or to some who is homless or even sombody who has cancer.



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