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Three Experiments

Essay by   •  October 27, 2013  •  Essay  •  611 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,450 Views

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Well this essay defines between three experiments that were given through an assignment that is connected to the sensory perceptions. In which given an description and notion of sensory adaptation and is apparent with the home based experiments. An explanation of the sensory that intricate within this experiments, in addition the happening of the nerve receptors to the brain.

Sensory adaption

Is an adaptation referring to an individual's body that changes over a certain time period that takes effect to the certain stimulus. In which is a contracted sensitivity to the raptors over an overstimulation. Notion to the adaption would be working from the nervous system that tells little senses. However, this senses that simulates an individual's cell nerve receptors, were in the brain sends the signals. But over a certain time period Yearning an occurrence declines in the persistent stimulation.

Sand paper- experiment one

Personally could not find a rough sand paper so using a two-twenty type of sand paper. So after rubbing my finger across, you had to rate according to the assignment a scale that rating from one to five, one being the softest and five being very coarse. The rating for the first rub would have to be a six.

Second attempt of rubbing in which indeed did get softer but not much. The rating is felt like a five. The perception of coarsens only change a little. It felt like my fingers did in fact get softer from rubbing on the sandpaper. Kind of reminded me of when a cat licks you and its so ruff at first but over time when licking an individual it does get softer, that's a good example of adaption as well.

Plain water and sugar water- experiment two

In the opinion of mine this was a shocking and quite interesting. When swishing the sugar water around without trying to swolling it, which in addition quite hard to do because it's a humans reaction to swallow water when trying to drink. Upon doing this type of experiment the sugar water seemed to disappear tasted sugar but the senses seemed to adapt to the sweet water after swishing around. After doing so there was rapid change in taste buds.

Hot water, lukewarm and cold water- experiment three

This experiment you had to have three bowls laid out, but in each bowl you had a selection of the first bowl of having hot water not burning hot, hot enough to stand, the second bowl you had lukewarm water and the third bowl you had very cold water. The step of taking had to first place your hands in the hot water then placing them in for three minutes, then placing into the next bowl which was lukewarm bowl, wait your time limit then on to the next bowl which was the cold water. In resulting in this type of experiment seemed that your senses of your hands did notice a huge difference



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