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Timequake: Personal Reflection

Essay by   •  January 26, 2012  •  Essay  •  914 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,800 Views

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________, shortly after returning from Winter Break, I remember telling you about reading Timequake, and you said that I should write you up a page telling you why I liked it, for possible extra-credit. This was awhile ago, and I'm doubtful that you remember, or that you will actually give me any extra-credit points, but I wanted to write it anyway. To be honest, I almost decided to write about God Bless You, Dr. Kervorkian, as I blew through it with glee. I cannot just say nothing about it, so here's (briefly) why I loved it.

I'm aware that this was probably, more than anything, intended to be a joke of a book. Having not yet read God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, I can only assume that it is a play-off of the novel. I enjoyed this novel because in a way, it has an almost existential view point to it, and a positive one at that. After people die, there is no hell, there's only heaven! And what a comforting thought to have. And then, of course, there's goddamn Kilgore Trout, making a surprise (what a joke, it's no surprise at all) appearance as the only living person that Mr. Vonnegut interviews. But there is no solid, coherent reason why I enjoyed this, I just did.

Diversion over, now for Timequake. Having read it a few weeks ago, I apologise in advance for the foggy memories, but I am assuming that it has been awhile for you as well. Kurt Vonnegut is, and I assume that most people who have heard anything about his works, a strange person. Absolutely brilliant, but strange. A partial autobiography can only be that too. And it was absolutely brilliant and strange, as expected. People could say of me that I love too strongly, and I don't deny that. I ay it too. What I mean by this is that when I care about something or someone in a personal manner,I want to know all there is to know about them. I want to indulge myself in this person. I want 24/7 contact. I want to hug them when I see them and never let go. If I find out they're hurt, emotionally, I mean, all I want is to know why so I can understand them better and help them. If I don't find out, well, I actually get quite frustrated. character flaw that goes hand in hand with loving too strongly. ANyway, background completed, I've somehow developed a completely personal love for Kurt Vonnegut. If I had started reading him wen I was younger, before he died, I probably would have cried at the news of his death. I would've gone into mourning. Then again, I know that I wouldn't have understood his writings when I was younger so I rephrase that. If I had been born at an earlier date, so I would be older on this date and this age round a year before he died, then I would have cried at his death. Which, I find a little strange as I've completely found comfort salvage in in the thought that at some point in time, he is still alive. So why does it matter that I love him? Because Timequake is an autobiography. It



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