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Vark Paper

Essay by   •  April 6, 2017  •  Creative Writing  •  517 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,300 Views

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After taking the VARK Q&A it said that I have a strong read/write learning style, that didn’t come as much of a surprise. Most of the strategies listed, I do 90% of those that were listed, however the SWOT would be the most helpful to me. One of them being turning reactions/actions and diagrams into words. That would help me in further computer classes when there are a lot of diagram and flow charts being displayed. I could covert what on the screen into my lines of codes. Currently there are not many of these that I am not doing, but I could start writing out test questions to better help with my memory of the answers when I am trying to study. I could also attempt to abbreviate my notes, often I find it hard to para-phrase the topic and that can take up too much of my time. It will also prove difficult to remember what is the main idea or the focus of what I am trying to learn. Other thing I could do is create lists in number formation and add words into hierarchies along various other bullet points, put those together with citations and my notes will become simple enough. I mention notes a lot because writing out notes will help cement the ideas and facts into my head.

Not only does note taking put the information from a lesson into words, it makes where its being put into my words. Now rewriting notes something I don’t do because I don’t like to write for long periods of time however, apparently rewriting notes is a very efficient way to store key details into one mind. As far as turning diagrams and charts into words, I think it could be useful for me because sometimes I do struggle trying to understand graphs. Therefore, it would key translate into my own words as many subheadings and notes for every diagram. I would put the information into my own words, that way I would have a better chance to remember the definitions and explanations of what the diagram contained then what the textbook had written. And so, during an exam I can explain a chart or recall the important parts of a diagram that in a more orderly fashion than I would if it was just the chart or diagram where I would otherwise struggle to remember. Aside from note taking there is a tremendous amount of resources online for people of a reading/writing disposition. There are e-books, articles and essays are all great tools for somebody who is a read/write learning, in which I believe is easier than the rest. These tools are the most easily available too. I could also benefit from flash cards if they contain the right text or information. Reading back over class notes is be a major advantage for me because the notes will be my biggest aid and help me to recall of the content very quickly. Overall there wasn’t many things on this list to help however, I will keep this in mind for future references.



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