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Vip Detailed Assignment Help

Essay by   •  September 30, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,686 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,418 Views

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VIP Detailed Assignment Help:

Below I have broken down each assignment into a more clear and understandable "how-to" format. If you are ever confused by the lesson's explanation on how to do an assignment, read below! 


For this assignment there is a WORKFILE in the lesson (if you go to 2.8, then activity, then back one page, in the top right hand corner, right click and open the workfile. Your assignment is to fill that in and turn it in to me. To fill it out you will need to watch the hurricane Katrina video in the lesson (PBS frontline video) and then you will also have to interview someone who has been through a hurricane before (this can be a family member if you'd like). That's it!


In either a letter to your local representative, a TV announcement, informative pamphlet or a song/poem...you will answer the following question: Should the government be able to wiretap your phone without a warrant? You can do it however you want (a lot of people just write a letter to a Senator).

Either way you do it, here is what you need to include in the product...

Here are the requirements of the product:

Product Requirements

Provide background information on the Patriot Act.

Answer the focus question stating your opinion.

Use at least three facts or statistics from the lesson page and external resources as evidence to support your answer to the focus questions. Read more about using facts and statistics as supportive evidence.

It should be creative, innovative and informative.

As long as it has all of the above, you are good to go!


This is an oral quiz...look this info over and call me anytime:

Here is what to expect on the 4.2 discussion based assessment:

-be able to discuss your jury duty interview (assignment 3.5)

-3 main parts of the Constitution (the actual document--the name of the intro, middle and end of the document)

-branches of government and federalism

-civil rights movement (famous Supreme Court Cases in that time)

-US Patriot Act


First of all, you are using the workfie from the lesson, in 4.5 right? Now, for 4.05 you are looking up your elected officials' names, political party, and email address (and filling in the workfile chart). You can find all of this for your federal and state officials through Project Vote Smart. All you need is your 9-digit zip code, and if you don't know it there's a link on the site to find it. Once you put in your zip code, hit go, then click on "current officials". This will bring up the names that go into the chart. At the top of the chart, you will fill in our current president and vice president. Then for the US senators and house of rep, you can look under Congressional on the website to find this info. Then, Gubernatorial is the Governor. Then state legislative is for your state senator and rep. To find your local official, go to google and type in your city and "mayor".

THEN, for either one of the US Senators (Nelson or Rubio) go on their website and summarize one main story that you see on their page.

**be sure to put in the contact info for each official as well. Here is help with this:

you can just click on the official's name on the projectvotesmart website, then it will bring up his/her info. On the right is their URL and below that says "complete contact info" to click on...that's where all the contact info is. BUT just an email or their URL will work for me.


For this assignment you will be making up your own idea for an interest group and then creating a presentation to showcase this interest group (who it is, what it does and how it plans to make changes to meet it's goal). You should think up a catch name and logo, explain your group in detail (who you are, why you choose this group and what the issue is). THEN, 50 points of the assignment is to creat a plan for change--in other words, how will you get the government to work with your group. See the rubric in the lesson for more ideas on what kind of action plan you could take to get some change. You can make it like a flyer on a word document or make it a powerpoint presentation. either way! :)


To fill out the workfile that is in the lesson, you will need to:

Access the Project Vote Smart Voting Records page. (http://www.votesmart.org/official_five_categories.php?dist=voting_category.php)

Select your state.

Click on Congress.

Click on your U.S. Representative.

Scroll down to "Pick an Issue."

Choose an issue and view their voting record on that issue.

This should give you the info you need to fill out the workfile.


Create a list of at least 5 items you did not know before completing this module. Be sure to be descriptive in your statements. For example, instead of saying "I did not know what Interest Groups were," say "I did not know Interest Groups were private organizations that try to influence public policy."


For 5.1 you just use the profile format in the lesson (did you see the workfile-it is titled 'MyGovBook profile template'?). You will fill it out and



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