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We See and Understand Things Not as They Are but as We Are

Essay by   •  September 25, 2011  •  Essay  •  262 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,707 Views

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Subjective reality is state as the reality which has the person's emotion. Simply put, we all live in different worlds, and the worlds may have the things in common, but each of the people may have different idea or alter the reality because of their unique perception. And the objective truth is simply state that a person distinguish an object with personal consciousness.

Perception can be defined as the awareness of things through our five senses like the sound, sight, touch, taste, smell. For example, one kilogram of cotton and one kilogram of iron, which is heavier or have the same mass? Most people will think that the cotton is lighter than the iron. That is because we know that the iron is heavier than the cotton in common sense. "Seeing is believe", but sometimes we see something is not really reality. Like a person stand on the ice, without knowledge, the person may think that standing is better than lying down, because of the area is small and the ice will not break easily. And also, if a same height person stay in the same space ,one is in front of you and the other is far away, you will find that the person who in front of you is higher that the person who far away from you. But actually, they have the same height. From this, we can know that seeing is not really believing, there may occur believing is seeing. Because of outside influence, and it will make the sight and the sense have a wrong judgment.



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