What Did Hitler Do Between 1933-36 to Challenge the Treaty of Versailles?
Essay by charlotte2 • April 2, 2018 • Essay • 451 Words (2 Pages) • 1,139 Views
Essay Preview: What Did Hitler Do Between 1933-36 to Challenge the Treaty of Versailles?
What did Hitler do between 1933-36 to challenge the Treaty Of Versailles (4) ?
Destroying the Treaty of Versailles was part of Hitler’s foreign policy. Firstly, Hitler walked out of the world disarmament conference then leaved the League in 1933. Furthermore, he stopped paying reparations at the same period, which was the first action challenging the Treaty of Versailles. Secondly, German rearmament was against the rules of the Treaty of Versailles. Indeed, Hitler started rearming in secret from 1933 onwards. He reintroduced conscription and his army grew up to 300 000 men in 1935. Moreover, more than 2500 planes were built, and warships. Thirdly, an attempt of Anschluss was made in 1934, which was against the Treaty of Versailles and the Treaty of St germain, as Germany and Austria were not aloud to make a union. The Austrian chancellor got murdered by Austrian Nazis, but the Anschluss failed as Mussolini was on Hitler’s way. Lastly, Hitler challenged the Treaty of Versailles by remilitarizing the Rhineland, which was to remain demilitarized for 15 years. However, Hitler felt humiliated and his borders were insecure, as the allies’ army was authorized in the area. Therefore German forces entered the Rhineland in March 1936.
Why was Hitler involved in the Spanish civil war (6) ?
On his way to rearmament, Hitler got involved in the Spanish civil war. In 1937, the German leader affirmed that “this is a fight against “Communist Barbarism””. Although destroying communism was part of his plans, Hitler’s motives for participating in the Spanish Civil war were also for strategic, political and economic advantages. Firstly, his main reason for taking part in the western war was to favor the Anschluss. Indeed, a first attempt in 1934 had failed, but Mussolini and Hitler’s relations had improved since. Thus Hitler hoped by participating together in Spain it would favor the Union with Austria, and in the same way get Mussolini on his side, as the fascist leader had signed the Stresa Front with Britain and France in 1935 against Germany. However both leaders supported the Nationalists in the Spanish civil war.
Secondly, helping the dictator Franco presented considerable advantages for Hitler. Indeed, it would mean Spain would be an ally or at least neutral during the Second World War, so Hitler would have less enemies. Furthermore, Spain would become a hostile country on France’s southern border and make it feel insecure on its east and on its west. Also, Hitler would be able to test his dive bombers in Spain, to get ready for WWII. Finally, Germany would benefit from sources of raw materials in Spanish mines.
To conclude, Hitler got involved strategically, and his plans were much more calculated than just helping Franco.