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What Is the Purpose of Existance

Essay by   •  June 20, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,438 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,034 Views

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What is the purpose of existence? Some people might say god or who ever they believe in started the universe and everything in it. This belief may take the form that this existence of ours is simply n a 'test' before we move on to greater things in another plane, another life, or indeed in Heaven. They also may state that our purpose for living is to serve god or who ever it is that they believe in. Others state that scientific reasons are responsible for our existence such as the big bang theory, which is based on our sole purpose of survival. This theory is known as creationism and the other theory is evolution, but both theories may be false. Evolution discredits creationism and creationism discredits evolution. Lack of solid evidence makes creationism hard to believe. And gaps in evolution chain make it hard to believe. To comprehend the conflict of creationism and evolution you must first comprehend creationism. Creationism is the theory that everything that exists, was created by god or whoever it is that they believe in. Creationists also believe that the universe, galaxies, planets, animals, plants and everything else was created by god, or whomever it is that they believe in. The story of Adam and Eve is part of this theory; Noah's Ark and how he saved all the species that live today form a great flood. In this theory the earth is over 100,000 years old. But with evolution it requires that the earth and other things on earth are much older. Evolution is the theory of the big bang, natural selection, and other theories similar to that. A significant number of its species change over time. That's why plants, animals, and everything else is the way it is, Such as humans and how we evolved from primates so we could survive. What is the purpose of existence. Some people might say god or who ever they believe in started the universe and everything in it. This belief may take the form that this existence of ours is simply a brief step, or even a 'test' before we move on to greater things in another plane, another life, or indeed in Heaven. They also may state that our purpose for living is to serve god or who ever it is that they believe in. Others state that scientific reasons are responsible for our existence such as the big bang theory, which is based on our sole purpose of survival. This theory is known as creationism and the other theory is evolution, but both theories may be false. Evolution discredits creationism and creationism discredits evolution. Lack of solid evidence makes creationism hard to believe. And gaps in evolution chain make it hard to believe. To comprehend the conflict of creationism and evolution you must first comprehend creationism. Creationism is the theory that everything that exists, was created by god or whoever it is that they believe in. Creationists also believe that the universe, galaxies, planets, animals, plants and everything else was created by god or whomever it is they believe in. The story of Adam and Eve is part of this theory; Noah's Ark and how he saved all the species that live today form a great flood. In this theory the earth is over 100,000 years old. But with evolution it requires that the earth and other things on earth are much older. Evolution is the theory of the big bang, natural selection, and other theories similar to that. A significant number of its species change over time. That's why plants, animals, and everything else is the way it is, Such as humans and how we evolved from primates so we could survive.

only be contemplated.

I believe existence is the world in-which we are aware through our senses, and persists independently without them. Existence is many natural things in life that can be defined, at least in natural, practical terms, But the existence of existence itself can only be contemplated. According to (Moore and Bruder. 2008). David Hume states that anything that exists must have a cause (or reason or explanation) that is different from itself. But because the series of causes cannot go to infinity, there must be



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