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What Is the Relationship Between Identity and Objects of Desire?

Essay by   •  May 26, 2011  •  Essay  •  399 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,941 Views

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One uses many aspects of their lives to express their identity. There are two reasons in which our identities are established. The first being that our identity is a products of culture and we are who we are due to our families, towns and our cultures set of values; we are who we are because of our families, where we were born, and how we were brought up. The second reasons being our identities are established in our cultures, our cultures provide us with assets which we are then free to go away and assemble who we wants to be; our identities.

The brand Burberry is an iconic worldwide clothing range with was established in Britain. The clothing brand is specifically associated with 'Chavs'. A 'Chav' is a stereotypical identity given to certain people who are believed to be from a working-class background, who appoint anti-social behaviour and furthermore are aggressive and rude towards others.

Despite this, Burberry is in fact a luxury brand for the higher class citizens of the world. The items they produce are desired by many and extremely expensive. The ideology behind this designer brand is the idea of capitalism and a free market. Capitalism is an economic system in which citizens are to produce goods and use their services for a profit. A Market Liberalist believes in Capitalism and furthermore, encourages individual identities through citizens purchasing these consumer items.

Unfortunately Burberry's reputation has been damaged due to the unwanted sub culture of 'Chavs' being able to get hold cheaper versions of the clothing being produced. The product has not been associated how Burberry wanted citizens to view it. 'Chavs' would be stereotyped as 'Sovereign' consumers. Although the brand Burberry has survived the 'Sovereign' consumer of 'Chavs' have destroyed the products chances of surviving in the Capitalist market place.

Kate Moss the face of Burberry has also damaged the brands name. Kate Moss is regularly linked to the idea of 'Chavs' due to her taking drugs and being in a relationship with someone being in prisons due to drugs.

Therefore the relationship between our identities and Objects of Desire, are that we can be stereotyped and judged due to our choices and wants of Objects of Desire. A brands success can be damaged because of the identity of those purchasing their consumer goods.



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