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What Paper?

Essay by   •  November 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  322 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,534 Views

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If I had a paper I wouldn't need this one. So I guess I will just sit here and throw two hundred and fifty words of fluff together for you so I can get my paper and be on my way. That is around thirty words so as you can see I am well on my way. I hope this isn't like the rest of the goose chases for papers. I mean seriously how hard is it to just get a paper these days. I wonder how many words I am up to now, I imagine not even close yet. I am starting to wonder if it would be less effort to just write this stupid thing myself. The only problem with that is I would have toread thebook. Lame, no way I'm reading that book in the alloted time. Completely unfair what theses professors expect from a guy. I have to be getting close now, just a few more bogus words and I am home free. At least I hope, if I get the run around again I am going to snap this laptop in half. So, I just tried again and apparently I am not up to twohundred and fifty words yet. That suprises me I thought that would have been enough. I guess not, maybe if I try now it will work. Here goes nothing. THis is strange there are way more than two hundred and fifty words on here now and I am still getting denied. I know the content is not anything that will help anyone but give me a break here, all I want to do is take some pressure off myself so I can pass accounting. The english class I need this paper for, I am pulling a four point zero in, so it is not like I need to prove myself anymore. Give me my A and let me get to work on accounting.



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