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When More the Better

Essay by   •  December 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  720 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,562 Views

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When More The Better

There is always someone close to us that we think about when trouble or an emergency is present in our lives. Having a big family is consider more than 6 members on it. A family is one of the most important and valuable things someone can have. That is why the family is the only one that will always look out for us. People that have big families do not have to depend on friends. Their family member can financially support them and there is nobody like your family to confide in and get valuable and honest advice.

When someone is in trouble, it is not friends the first person someone thinks, it is family. Family is always by our side in good and bad situations, and family members are really worry when one of them is in trouble. Roger Sinasohn mentions "Big families learn to be a part of a team and to resolve disputes"(Big Families Are Better, 4).They can understand what we are feeling because no one can know us better than our own family. In other words, that is why when someone feels depressed, his/her family is the first one to ask what is going on. For example, sometimes we have personal problems that we can confide to a friend, but we have our family in which we can trust.

Another point, is that a big family can support someone of their family if he/she has financial problems. Most big families are very close."Each child journeys through life enjoying the support os his grown-ups brothers and sisters. No matter what befalls them in life, they will never be alone"(Advantages of Having a Large Family, 13). That is why when a family member has economy problems, the whole family does everything in its power to support this person and help him overcome his problem, all the family help giving what they can to support the member and make him succeed in his problems. There is a success case in every family, somebody who has a good job and lives in good conditions, so it is only natural to go for advice to this person when needing some input on our finances. It is easier to ask to someone close of the family than asking a friend who we do not feel comfortable talking about our financial situation.

Honesty and love are the two important things that everyone expects to get from their family. No one better than family to tell the truth, even if it hurts. Families always want the best for the others members, no matter what. In other words, if someone is doing something wrong, and he/she is not aware of it, somebody from the family will probably be the first to approach to him/her. There is something wrong that you do and you are not able to recognize it, someone of your family is gonna be the first one to talk with you. Something very important that everyone needs are advices but not all the advices are good. Sometimes friends tell you things that you wanna hear just to make you feel better, but your family will



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