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Whistle Blowers

Essay by   •  November 15, 2015  •  Case Study  •  716 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,215 Views

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Chuck Atchinson

Chuck Atchinson is successful as a quality control inspector for Brown & root a nuclear power plant. After 4 years chuck was fired and suffered misfortune, the cause of his misfortune is because of his inability to get his superior to observe safety regulations in the construction of nuclear plant and to correct a number of potentially hazardous flaws. He complains to the company but got no response which led him to the government regulators to talk about the situation and then got fired. Atchinson then testify to the government regulators but receive anonymous threats. Atchinson then realized he was blacklisted he applied to another job, but was still able to find a stable job doing control work for the aerospace division. Atchinson regret a little bit being a whistler-blower because of the loss he experience but would do it again if he had to. 

Joseph rose

Joseph rose is an attorney of associated milk producers incorporated and found illegal political contribution to the Nixon re-election campaign. As a lawyer information should be kept confidential even if they constituted a criminal conspiracy. Rose learned from training to help cover up illegal activity. Rose then collected evidence and present it to the board of directors. After presenting the evidence Rose got fired. In the end AMPI was fined. And Joseph Rose also paid in term of the disruption of his career. After the incident employers view his as disloyal and an unreliable employee. Even though his image was destroyed Rose was still successful because clients come to him because of his reputation for integrity and toughness in the face of adversity.

    Given that whistleblowers receive threats from the accusing companies, how should the government protect the public interests of whistleblowers?

    This case intends to create a plan of action that will help government to:
  • To provide good foundation on which to develop legal and institutional frameworks to facilitate whistleblowing.
  • To protect whistleblowers for a wider category of public interest information.
  • To be able to support the whistle blowers to protect themselves from the impending problem.
  • To give motivation to the whistle blowers of their importance in the advocacy of virtuous governance.
  1. Establish a public awareness campaign on the value of whistleblowing

Establish a public awareness campaign that extends to schools and professional training on the value of whistleblowing in protecting the public good, the health and safety of people, their environment and their human rights. Distinguish whistleblowing from informing by ensuring laws to protect whistleblowers emphasize open or confidential reporting and build on freedom of expression rights.

  1. Set up or support independent confidential advice services for whistleblowers

Set up or support services to provide independent, legally protected, confidential advice and information for whistleblowers. Early advice and information helps ensure that whistleblowers do not suffer unnecessarily, that they are able to report or disclose information clearly and responsibly and that, should they nonetheless be treated unfairly, they are fully protected under law and are in a strong position to seek an appropriate remedy.



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