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Who I Believe Is to Blame for Obesity?

Essay by   •  July 19, 2011  •  Case Study  •  1,568 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,958 Views

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Contents Page

* Page 3- introduction

* What is obesity?

* Who does it affect?

* Are there different types of obesity?

* What are the problems concerned with it?

Who's to blame? -

* The food industry?

* Advertising?

* School canteens?

* The government?

* Ourselves?

My Viewpoint (Conclusion)

Who I believe is to blame for obesity

My case study is about obesity, and who is to blame for it? Obesity these days affects all ages now from new born babies to the old and wrinkly. Over the generations of people the people of the world do less and less exercise such as people taking auto mobiles instead of walking short distances. With many fast food industries being an easier and quicker alternative to home cooked meals, and the demand of office jobs where exercise is minimized are all things leading to the generations growing in waist size.

With statistics that half of men will be obese and a third of women by 2023 we should be very worried. With average waist line increasing drastically by so many being overweight is getting accepted into society. But this should not be the case as obesity cause many health problems, one of which is type 2 diabetes and also heart disease. Being obese cause's people to become so unhealthy that the average person decreases their life by at least 8 years. Who is to blame for all this? Is it us? The fast food industries? Where is our self control and knowledge of the food around us, why are we so lazy to just result to fast food all the time; when will we stop?

Healthy eating and eat well plate

The eat well plate is to really show how much of stuff you should be eating from milk egg and bread, to vegetables and other food types. A healthy diet is one that is balanced. This means eating the right amount of food for how active you are, and eating a range of food from the five main food groups. These are:

* carbohydrates, which contain lots of energy and nutrients and are found in starchy foods, such as bread, pasta and potatoes

* protein, which helps the body to grow and repair itself, is found in meat, fish, beans and eggs

* fruit and vegetables

* milk and dairy foods

* foods that are high in fat and sugar

Carbohydrates should make up about one-third of your daily diet as should fruit and vegetables. Split the rest of your diet between protein and milk and dairy. Only a small amount of what you eat every day should come from foods that are high in fat and sugar.

What is obesity?

Obesity is more than just a few extra pounds. Obesity is the heavy accumulation of fat in your body to such a degree that it rapidly increases your risk of diseases that can damage your health and knock years off your life, such as heart disease and diabetes.

The fat may be equally distributed around the body or concentrated on the stomach or the hips and thighs. For medical purposes, the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine if your weight is in the healthy range.

Who does obesity affect?

Obesity can affect any age, from a full grown adult to a new born baby and even a pensioner, anyone can become obese; statistics show that's today's generation of kids will die before their parents due to increased risk of problems like blood pressure, high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Technology over the generations has got more and more advanced and has been attracting more and more attention of our kids and even adults, now people would rather stay in and play games and communicate with people inside; rather than go out and play. However the kids whose parents are LETTING them get this way mustn't be making them get their recommended hours of exercise and letting them stay in and play? But also the adults who are obese are just as bad not doing as much exercise etc...

With so many children who look up to their parents to find out what to do and copy them, the parents clearly aren't setting any good examples? some people say that there is a fat gene which because they have it they must be fat but this hasn't been proved and with a better life style they could still not be obese, the choices they make in their lives is what is affecting them. Many studies have shown that high fat food is just as addictive as drugs and alcohol therefore if you feed your child fast food throughout their childhood they will carry this through their life passing it down to their children etc...

Types of diabetes

Information from 21st century science book C3 section

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is an



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